Advanced course

This course is the natural continuation of the Standard course. However, the course is also open to MiraMon users who, with prior knowledge, want to deepen their use of the program and the techniques of GIS analysis. The course will introduce the theoretical concepts of GIS analysis, advanced topological structuring tools, as well as the calculator/reclassifier of layers or the analytical combination of layers.


1 Advanced topological structuring
   1 Advanced structuring applications:
      1 Point generation: VECPNT
      1 Arc generation: LinARC
      1 Polygon generation: Ciclying, Selective reciclying, Generation of topological groups (Regions)
      1 Transferring attributes between graphical objects: AtriTop
      1 Removing micropolygons: MicroPol
      1 Automatic generation of polygons labels: Etiqueta

   1 Importing data with problems
   1 Using tolerances and advanced options

1 Importing and Exporting Data
   1 SID (MrSid)
   1 SHP (ArcView)
   1 DGN (MicroStation)
   1 DXF (AutoCAD)
   1 DAT - GRD (Surfer)
   1 TIFF - GeoTIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
   1 JPG - JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
   1 XLS, MDB i DBF (ODBC, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access i dBase)
   1 ASCII (Text pla)
   1 GPX (GPS)

1 Concepts of GIS analysis
1 Prior conditions for analysis
   1 Combined raster-vector analysis
   1 MiraMon GIS analysis tools

1 Distance Maps
   1 Buffers and continuous maps

Interpolation Method

1 Calculator/Layers and fields Reclassifier
   1 Caractertistics and possibilities
   1 Maps Algebra

1 Layers analitical combination
   1 Raster
   1 Vector

1 Statistical analisis
  1Statistics by field of a database table or query
  1Statistics groups of records (simple and combined)
  1Statistics raster values (MDT) Polygon


Schedule and vacants

Location and access

CREAF (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals)
Edifici C (Facultat de Ciències)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

Price and registration

Registration is strictly by order of payment.

For any queries or suggestions you can write to us at