The last update of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 has made asynchronous file downloads to rot memory and cannot be opened.
The symptom is a message of this kind:
"I can not open the file lti_dsdk_cdll.dll. It Performs an invalid access to memory location"
While we publish an update for MiraMon to use a different method to avoid this problem, you can manually download some of those libraries MiraMon modules are dependant. You must copy the downloaded files to the MiraMon installation directory (typically C:\MiraMon\ ) :
MrSid, JPEG2000, Microsoft C Runtime Library, ArcSDE, SDE ... /index.htm
ECW, ECWP (up to version 7.0k): ... /index.htm
ECW, ECWP (from version 7.0k): ... /index.htm
You can write down the name of the files MiraMon is trying to download, and look them up in the pages above mentioned.