CORRAD: Radiometric correction of Remote Sensing images

Processing and analysis tools with GIS MiraMon and remote sensing tools. Application cases, results, problems and use of algorithms.
Entrades: 2
Membre des de: dj., 14 des. 2017, 11:43

CORRAD: Radiometric correction of Remote Sensing images

Entrada Autor: JohnMuir »


I’m using the CORRAD module of Miramon to correct radiometrically Landsat-5_TM Thematic Mapper images, however the module return me this error message:

ERROR: Cannot find the key 6_S0 in section [Landsat:5_TM] in file C:\MiraMon\m_atmos.rad

It seems that there is something related to some installation file, am I right? Could you help me please?


Lluís Pesquer
Entrades: 11
Membre des de: dj., 16 juny 2011, 19:03

Re: CORRAD: Radiometric correction of Remote Sensing images

Entrada Autor: Lluís Pesquer »

Your described problem is not an issue related with an installation file, it is more likely related with metadata. It seems that the program is looking for the band called number 6 (thermal), but the current radiometric corrrection does not apply in this case. Please, pay attention with the names of the bands that you are using because maybe are incorrect. This 6 is in this case the index number, but not the band 6, it corresponds to band 7 in the usual sensor manes.
The program is quite strict with the names of the bands. The descriptor of the band can be a free text, but the name of the band have to start with the number of the channel. The name of the band as well as the descriptor of the band can be changed using the Metadata and Database Relationships Manager (GeMM) of MiraMon. In oorder to change the name of the bands you should open the metadata file of the multiband layer (*.rel) with GeMM and go to Thematic info tab. I have attached a figure.

Thank you for your participation and I hope this explanation helps to generate right and acurate reflectance products.
Kind regards,

Fitxers adjunts
Entrades: 2
Membre des de: dj., 14 des. 2017, 11:43

Re: CORRAD: Radiometric correction of Remote Sensing images

Entrada Autor: JohnMuir »

Thanks Lluís for your help. I've changed the name of the band and it works now.

