See a correspondence table between the keys of raster and vector older documentation files and the new keys in the REL4 format metadata files.
This file has a strict format with regards to the sections since the [PRINCIPAL] section must always be at the start of the file, followed by the [ASSOCIAT] sections, which must appear in the same order as the fields.- Information to link the graphical dataset with the alphanumeric dataset and optional descriptions of each field (units, etc.), as well as information about other tables that act as dictionaries. This information is found in the [PRINCIPAL] and the [ASSOCIAT] sections.
- Information on the (default) display properties of the layer and the legend, in the [COLOR_TEXT] and [VISU_LLEGENDA] sections, respectively. See the section "the REL file and the dictionaries in MiraMon versions 1 to 3" in the Appendix "Vector format descriptions" of the MiraMon Manual)
- Information about whether the datasets belong to map series in the [SERIES_CARTO] section. (See the Appendix "Map Series" in the MiraMon Manual for more details.)
The raster and unstructured vector documentation files have a format that is compatible with the Idrisi, v. 4.x. software, but with the enhancements and limitations of MiraMon. (See the MiraMon Manual for more information). However, the older documentation files of structured vector files are always accompanied by an REL1 file.- *.doc for raster files
- *.dvc for unstructured vector files
- *.dvt, *.dvn, *.dva, and *.dvp for structured vector files, where the last letter depends on the type of vector objects: points, nodes, arcs and polygons respectively).