Presentation and options Dialog box of the application

Presentation and options

This application converts raster files from several ASCII formats to MiraMon (IMG format). Supported ASCII formats may have header records (lines). These lines normally refer to some characteristics of the file, such as the number of columns and rows, etc. Depending on the treatment of these header lines, ASCIIIMG has three options:

Thereby, ASCIIIMG supports four main types of ASCII files:

Supported output data types are: bit, byte, integer, uinteger, long and real, with RLE compression or without compression.

ASCIIIMG supports carriage returns in DOS/Windows-style (0x0D 0x0A) and in UNIX-style (0x0D).

A flag value (or 'NoData') can be indicated. This value will be used both when logging explicit values (such as those given in some ESRI header files) and when the conversion is out of range.

The application documents a minimal set of metadata, which can be enriched with GeM+ later if desired. Documented metadata are:

data type   : 
file type   : 
columns     : 
rows        : 
min. value  : 
max. value  : 
flag value  : 
If more arguments are provided in command line, it also documents:
ref. system : 
ref. units  : 
min. X      : 
max. X      : 
min. Y      : 
max. Y      : 
resolution  : 
If this is not indicated, by default this metadata will be documented as:
ref. system : plane
ref. units  : pixels
min. X      : 0
max. X      : nfil
min. Y      : 0
max. Y      : ncol
resolution  : 1
The rest will be documented as:
file title  : 
unit dist.  : 1.0
pos'n error : unknown
value units : unspecified
value error : unknown
flag def'n  : background
legend cats : 0

The application controls whether the input image is complete or not (truncated). In the last case, if the deficit of cells or pixels is less than a 70%, the application fills the rest of the image with the last read value. This way, the imported image can be visualized or clipped to keep only the valid cells.

Dialog box of the application

Dialog box of ASCIIIMG.


