Presentation Dialog box of the application
Graphic examples Syntax


This program analyses and/or effects a spatial combination of two raster layers, a raster layer and a vector layer or two vector layers. For the majority of combinations, the raster layers should be categoric; rasters containing continuous variables are dealt with one of the possibilities in the mixed mode. It is possible to use the raster mode for the combination of layers, allowing the generation of a new raster and/or a report (in TXT and/or CSV [spreadsheet] formats) with statistical tables of the combinations of values of the raster (identified by its categories) or of the attributes of the field in a vector layer (additionally, in the case of a numerical field it is possible to select another alphanumeric field that describes the attributes). A vector mode for the combination of layers is also available. In this case, the database records are combined but no statistics are generated.

Vector mode

A vector mode for the combination of two layers can be chosen whether the input files are two vector layers, one vector layer and one raster layer or two categoric raster layers. In this case, the output vector file, its type and its content will depend on the input file. Thus, a categoric raster can be considered as a polygon file with a single thematic raster attribute linked to a thesaurus of categories. More details about this equivalence relationship can be found in the RasTop application. Exceptions are given by the cases IMG + PNT = PNT (or IMG + NOD = PNT) and IMG + POL = POL which are commented in the section mixed mode.
The output file is a polygon file that is obtained from the fragmentation of the space produced by the union of the borders of the original polygon files. Each fragment inherits all the attributes of both the original polygons in which is contained.
Each arc is divided into fragments based on the borders in the polygon file derived from the IMG. In addition to its own arc attributes, each fragment inherits the attributes of the polygon in which is contained.
The geometry of the polygon file remains unaltered but its records are increased by the attributes of each arc that crosses it or that is entirely or partially inside.
The geometry of the point file remains unaltered but each point acquires the attributes of the polygon it falls within.
The geometry of the polygon file remains unaltered but its records are increased by the attributes of the points contained in each polygon.
The node file is treated as a point file in which each point acquires the attributes of the polygon it falls within.
The geometry of the polygon file remains unaltered but its records are increased by the attributes of the nodes falling inside each polygon.
Note that in the case of vector combinations with a vector as result, all the attributes of all the principal tables of the two original vectors are taken into account as well as their relationships with associated tables.

When the analyzed layers have the same field names in the principal table these are modified by adding _A for the first layer and _B for the second in order to be able to distinguish them. This is particularly useful for studying the same parameter at two different times (for example, to compare two vegetation maps of different dates).

In polygon combinations for which the borders do not originate from the same source it is possible that small unwanted regions appear that we call micropolygons (sliver polygons). The program allows these artefacts to be removed selectively by defining a minimum area and/or a threshold perimeter/area ratio. For more details see MicroPol.

Mixed mode


A point or node file can be combined with either categoric rasters or raster files with a continuous variable to create a PNT file. In this case, the geometry of the point file remains unaltered but each point acquires the value of the raster cell or cells within one pixel radius of distance from it. These values are inherited as a new field in the database. When using categoric raster files it is possible to choose between the nearest cell or the modal value of the cells at less than one pixel radius. For continuously variable rasters the options are the nearest cell or bilinear interpolation between the 4 nearest neighbors or bicubic interpolation between the 16 nearest neighbors.

IMG + POL =POL with statistics

In this case, statistical values of the raster pixels within each polygon are calculated and these statistical values are transferred to the corresponding records of the polygon of the main table (without altering the geometry of the graphic objects). At the edges of the polygon, the raster values will be taken into account according to the combination of the criteria of area and central point. For more information on these criteria consult TiraVec.
The statistics implemented for a continuous quantitative raster are: Total number of pixels, average, standard deviation, variance, sum, minimum, maximum and range. The statistics implemented for a categorical raster are: Total number of pixels, modal value, percentage of modal value over the total, index of Shannon, minimum, maximum and range. It should be noted that the NoData values of raster does not participate in any of the statistical calculations.

Shannon index

Raster mode

To combine two raster files they must cover the same geographical area, have the same resolution and use the same units referred to the same reference system. When combining a raster layer and a vector layer the former defines the area and the resolution of the output. When combining two vector layers, it is necessary to specify the extent of the study zone and the resolution of the output raster file. The wCombiCa window allows a raster file to be used as a template for these parameters. When two raster images are combined they can be of a different type (real format images are excluded since these should never be used to represent categories of data) and the degree of compression does not matter.

As stated previously, the result can be a raster and/or a report. If the option to generate a raster is selected, this will always be in extra compressed format and either byte, integer or long format according to the number of combinations that has resulted from cross correlating the initial two layers.

The new categories of the resulting raster are given ordered according to the categories of the first layer, excluding those combinations that, although theoretically possible, have not been obtained at any geographic location. The resulting raster will generate a NoData value in those locations where both layers have a NoData value (either because the input raster contained such values, or because the input vector file had no polygons at that point). The value of the NoData will depend on the automatically selected type of output. The combination of a NoData point with an allowable value will generate an allowable value and it will be shown in the legend that this category corresponds to a special combination. The original categories from which each of the categories originate are specified in the resulting legend file; if a category in an original file has no description, the numerical value is specified.


For raster layers (or layers treated as rasters) the combination of each value with the values present in the other layer are analyzed. Given that, the resulting vector layers typically have many fields and that the statistics of all of them would be confusing, a report can only be generated if no output layer is chosen (indicating the fields of the vector layer to combine with the raster) or if the output layer is raster. If the output layer is vector it is possible to perform attribute queries with MiraMon to obtain the desired information. Bear in mind that, when an output layer is not chosen and a report is generated relative to the fields of the relevant layers, the area calculations for each occurrence of particular combinations are based on the resolution of the hypothetical raster output. The first table gives the total number of occurrences of each pair of values resulting from the combination of the two layers. This is followed by two tables of percentages. Firstly, the distribution of a particular value in the first layer amongst the values of the second layer is shown. The sum of each column will be therefore 100%. The second percentages table is the same as the first but showing the distribution of the second layer over the first; in this case the sum of the rows will be 100%.

Finally, two more tables that show the total area of each combination are generated. The first gives the figures in the specific reference units of the layers used in the analysis (parameter "ResolutionUnits" of raster .REL files) and the second in the area units specified in the MiraMon parameter file (parameter "UnitArea" of the MiraMon.par file).

The CSV format file details the same information as the text file. This format has been designed to be read by a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel®. It is a text format in which a particular character acts as a column break. This character can be specified in the advanced options of the wCombiCa program. It takes as a default value the character configured as the list separator in the Windows Control Panel. In the same way as for the TXT format, it is possible to limit the report width to avoid exceeding the maximum number of columns supported by the spreadsheet when the number of categories under consideration is high.

When the text file (format TXT) option is chosen, this is made up of five tables each with as many columns as there are values in the first layer and as many rows as there are values in the second layer. The numerical values of each category are specified in the initial row and column of each of these tables and the corresponding descriptors are listed at the end of the first table. The file can be paginated by selecting the maximum number of columns that fit into the width of the file; by default this value is 80 columns (categories).

To reduce the volume of information in the reports, some of the parameters that allow to ignore certain tables can be applied (/NO_FREQ, /NO_PERCENT, /NO_AREA).

More information can be consulted at the following reference:

Dialog box of the application

CombiCap dialog box.

Graphic examples

Schematic representation of the main possibilities
for the layer analytical combination.

Example of the use of the mixed mode.



