Most GPS receivers support the standard NMEA. communication protocol. From this protocol, the GPS sends a constant data flux to the computer. MiraMon collects this data and turns them into a line-type file represented in real time on top of the cartography (orthophotos, topographical maps, etc). MiraMon displays the view properly according to the position and the date of the station (map moving). MiraMon shows, at any time, data about the status of the GPS tracking.
Coordinates are sent by the GPS in longitude-latitude. Often, the device is set to provide data in datum WGS84. However, some devices let users choose another datum. MiraMon can be set manually to work with the most common data these GPSs offer; nevertheless it is recommended, if not when the application is running, to set the GPS to work with WGS84, and let MiraMon turns coordinates into the cartography output projection, a process that performs more accurately than usual in GPS receptors because, thanks to our accurate geodesic scheme, it can use the optimal transformations for each area (for example, the ones estimated by UB/ICC in the case of Catalonia).
The application can also generate a point (waypoint) as an average of a certain number of acquisitions or point cloud reducing mistakes progressively and estimating the RMS of the acquisition set.
Almost every model of GPS brands has NMEA transmission protocol. Please check the technical documents of the receptor in order to verify it.
To read coordinates in real time, the following details must be taken into account: