This program allows to import HDF4 files to IMG MiraMon raster format.

The HDF format (Hierarchical Data Format) is a format for storing and structuring large amounts of numerical data. Originally developed by the National Center for Supercomputing and Applications. Currently called HDF Group is responsible for updating and revising the format. This format allows to store different data models, such as multidimensional arrays, raster images and tables. HDFIMG program receives a file in HDF format and generates a multiband IMG file in a folder or output generates a dump of the metadata contained in the HDF file. In case of import mode is selected, the application preselected product type according to heuristic exploration of the product name in the metadata.

HDFIMG has currently implemented support for the following products:

There are five distribution modes for CHRIS images, classified as modes 1 to 5, the modes implemented are:

MODE 1: TOTAL: Full swath width, 62 spectral bands, 773nm / 1036nm, nadir ground sampling distance 34m @ 556km.

MODE 2: WATER BANDS: Full swath width, 18 spectral bands, nadir ground sampling distance 17m @ 556km.

MODE 3: LAND CHANNELS: Full swath width, 18 spectral bands, nadir ground sampling distance 17m @ 556km.

MODE 4: CHLOROPHYL BAND SET: Full swath width, 18 spectral bands, nadir ground sampling distance 17m @ 556km.

Cutter, M. A, 2008, CHRIS Data Format, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited.

Structure of the information generated:
An IMG raster is generated in a directory whose name follows the structure CHRIS_date_time, where the date is formatted yearmonthday. For example for the CHRIS image of 02-19-2009 and time 15:51:34 the output folder is: CHRIS_20090219_155134.

MISR (Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer) have 9 cameras, pointing in different directions. Thus providing a multi-angle coverage around the globe. They have the ability to observe 9 different angles simultaneously (in addition to nadir, ±26.1°, ±45.6°, ±60.0° i ±70.5°) both forward and backward orbit and 4 spectral bands (B, G, R, NIR) . In general, large angles provide greater sensitivity to the effects of atmospheric aerosols and cloud effects, while the angles closest to nadir provide information of the Earth's surface.

MISR Level 3 Imagery (L3SMI) products can be downloaded at the website:
MISR Level 3 Imageryr --

To import a new HDF product not supported by HDFIMG, please contact us at


