IdrMM: Import and export between Idrisi and MiraMon raster formats

This module transforms raster files between MiraMon and Idrisi-32.

The types of transformations that can be carried out are:

Both files, IMG and RST, are binary, but MiraMon is not only compatible with Idrisi-32 types. Idrisi-32 can run byte, integer and real types, while MiraMon also runs bit and long types and the corresponding RLE (byte-RLE, integer-RLE...) compressions. As Idrisi-32 cannot run long type, it is possible to decide that the data of the transformed Idrisi-32 file are integer or real by means of an optional parameter. When exporting a MiraMon long-type raster to an integer-type Idrisi-32 file, it is necessary to use the /LONG_SHORT optional parameter and when exporting to a real-type Idrisi-32 parameter it is necessary to select the /LONG_REAL optional parameter. If no optional parameter is selected, the default parameter applied by the module is /LONG_REAL.

When carrying out a transformation from MiraMon to Idrisi-32 with the /LONG_SHORT optional parameter, the application saturates the origin raster values greater than 32767 or less than -32768. The saturation is performed by following the following protocol:

It should be noted that this module does not carry out file exports with bit-type data files. In order to do this, it is necessary to transform the data into byte-type using the IMGIMG application and then export to RST. It does not import Idrisi-32 24-bit RST files (three-band compositions) to MiraMon format. In order to do this it is advisable to use a TIFF format (georeferenced as GeoTIFF) as an intermediary and then use the TIFIMG module to obtain the corresponding 24-bit IMG.

Regarding the Idrisi-16 raster files, it should be noted that they have the same format as the MiraMon files. Consequently, all the Idrisi-16 RST raster files which are binary and not compressed can be read directly by MiraMon by means of the "File | Open raster" option. However, there are a number of special situations, which are described below:

From Idrisi-16 to MiraMon:

From MiraMon to Idrisi-16:

IdrMM 1/2/3 OriginFile DestinationFile [Optional parameter]

MiraMon is a program registered by Xavier Pons
Idrisi is a Šprogram by J.Ronald Eastman and Clark University