Presentation and options Dialog box of the application

Presentation and options

This application converts between the MiraMon IMG format or the BMP format (without georeferencing), to the JPEG format with MiraMon metadata, or the JPEG format (without georeferencing). There are several options:

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) refers to a still-picture compression standard that specifies several modes of operation. The mode used by the Independent JPEG Group's (IJPEG) software is sequential buildup (knowkn as JFIF); in this mode, each component of an image is encoded in a left-to-right and top-to-bottom scan. Sequential mode is lossy, which means that when you compress an image, you will lose information. One reason that sequential mode JPEG is lossy is that the algorithm compresses an image by removing visually insignificant information, colors that the human eye cannot detect. The JPEG committee has not specified a standard file format, and consequently, many applications of the JPEG algorithm use their own proprietary format. In spite of that, last years, JFIF format has been consolidated as an standard 'de facto'. For that reason MiraMon decided to incorporate this implementatión of JPEG format as a raster image format.

MiraMon uses the IMG format for categorical and continuous value rasters, whether in uncompressed format (in many cases compatible with Idrisi 16) or in the highly compressed RLE format. For more details about the IMG formats and how to convert between them consult either the on-line help ImgImg or the MiraMon manual. The RLE compression used in the IMG format is not lossy, meaning that the raster can be compressed and later decompressed to recover the original image with no changes to the cell values. In the category images this property is essential given that two close numerical values may represent completely different categories. It is also important when dealing with radiometric images (remote sensing) where the value of a pixel represents a physical measurement of electromagnetic radiation.

On the other hand, the IJPEG implementation of the JPEG format is a high compression format but with some degradation or loss; the values of the uncompressed image approximate those of the original image but they are not always the same. The level of degradation can be controlled with a parameter (/QUALITAT) during compression, but it can never be eliminated altogether. Visually the results are very good, even with low quality levels (higher compression rate); for this reason the format is appropriate for photographic images such as orthometric aerial photographs in black and white or colour (whether they are 24 bit or 8 bit images with colour palettes). It is also a suitable format for continuous value images when you want a high compresion ratio with a good visual look but lossing the original values of the image.

For the JPEG format the application saves the metadata (including the georeference) in an REL v.4 file. Thanks to this property, MiraMon can visualize georeferenced files in JPEG format; they need fewer disk space and are perfectly integraded in the GIS. It is also possible to import or generate files without metadata for display in an image processing program.

When generating a JPEG file the application takes account of NODATA vales and, where possible, reserves a colour to represent this value.

This version only allows and generates palettes in P25 format. Convert them from MiraMon if necessary using the option 'Guardar paleta'. The RGB combination should be made up of 3 files in IMG byte format or byte-RLE format. If combinations with other formats are required display a 24 bit combination from MiraMon and save the displayed images as a BMP from the file menu of MiraMon; then convert the BMP to JPEG.

Dialog box of the application

JPEGIMG dialog box

JPEGIMG 1/2 FileJPEG FileIn [FileP25]
JPEGIMG 1/2 FileJPEG FileR FileG FileB

This application supports and generates REL v.4
The routines used to compress and decompress of JPEG format are partially based on the work of "Independent JPEG Group" (IJPEG).
Idrisi is a program (c) of J.Ronald Eastman and Clark University