KMLMM: Conversion of KML files to MiraMon Maps

This program converts a GoogleEarth KML file into MiraMon Maps which contain layers in MiraMon structured format (PNT, ARC/NOD and POL).

The program creates a map with a point layer (PNT), which contains the 'Point' type KML objects, a (ARC/NOD) line layer for KML objects of the 'LineString' type and a layer of polygons that contains the 'Polygon' type objects, if there are any. 'MultiGeometry' and 'LinearRing' type objects that are not part of a polygon are ignored. If there is information regarding the z of each vertex, it is also converted. The layers are not structured topologically.

The 'id' attribute and the 'name', 'description' y 'styleUrl' elements of each KML object are included. They are all added to the main table of each layer as thematic attributes under the names: ID_ENTITAT, NOM, DESCRIPCIO e ID_ESTIL.

The map allows you to open all the layers created with symbolization, which for lines and polygons depends on the field values 'ID_ESTIL' and for the points is a radius point 3 with a text with the value of the 'NOM' attribute of the object.

All the objects of any KML file are in latitude/longitude projection with WGS84 datum, but the program allows you to reproject the map layers to any of the reference systems described in the MiraMon geodesic tables.

KMLMM 1 ArchivoKML ArchivoMMM [optional parameters]
