TIFIMG: TIFF-IMG format conversion
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Presentation and options
This application allows bidirectional transformation of TIFF and IMG files.
Application options:
Information TIFF:
This option shows the header information of the TIFF file.
TIFF to IMG (b/n 1 bit):
This option transforms TIFF files b/n (1 bit) to IMG files (1bit).
TIFF to IMG (gray 8 bits):
This option transforms gray TIFF files (8 bits) to IMG byte (8 bit) files.
TIFF to IMG (palette 8 bits):
This Option transforms TIFF files between palette (8 bits) to an IMG byte and palette files.
TIFF to IMG Multiband:
This option transforms multiband TIFF (RGB) files to one IMG file per band.
IMG a TIFF (b/n 1 bit):
This option transforms IMG files (1bit) to a TIFF file b/n (1 bit).
TIFF to IMG Multiband:
This option transforms multiband TIFF files to one IMG file per band.
IMG to TIFF (gray 8 bits):
This option transforms IMG files (grayscale) to a TIFF file without palette.
IMG to TIFF (palette 8 bits):
This option transforms IMG files into a TIFF file with a palette.
This option transforms IMG (RGB) files into a 24-bit color TIFF file.
TIFF to IMG Landsat multiband:
This option converts Landsat multiband TIFF files to an IMG file per band.
In imports of TIFF to IMG the presence of both a World file (* .TFW or * .TIFW) as of the GeoTiff format. In case of contradiction, the georeference of the World file prevails.
In IMG exports to TIFF, a GeoTiff format and a TFW.
Both the World file and the GeoTiff format allow georeference a TIFF file by assigning a pixel side and some extreme coordinates (bounding box).
In case that a TIFF file contains control points for its georeferencing, these are stored in a table with the same name than the output IMG but adding the "_GCP" suffix.
Other richest possibility in metadata is to use the DIMAP format. In In this case, the metadata is distributed in a file in XML format (from extension .dim). A file of the same name as the TIFF is supported but of extension .dim or directly a file Metadata.dim such com is distributed in a DIMAP product folder (then the TIFF file is called Imagery.tif). SPOT images are distributed this way.
More information about the DIMAP format: http://www.spotimage.fr/spot5/ensavoirplus/eng/plus_dimap.html
Dialog box of the application
TIFIMG 3 SCAN256 IMA256 IMA256.P25
- TIFIMG 0 InputTIFFfFile [/TFW] [/DOC]
- TIFIMG 1 InputTIFFfFile ResultIMGFile [/TFW] [/DOC]
- TIFIMG 2 InputTIFFfFile ResultIMGFile [/TFW] [/DOC]
- TIFIMG 3 InputTIFFfFile ResultIMGFile PALFile [/TFW] [/DOC]
- TIFIMG 4 InputTIFFfFile IMG_RFile IMG_GFile IMG_BFile [/TFW] [/DOC]
- TIFIMG 5 OriIMGFile TIFFfile [Scale]
- TIFIMG 4 InputTIFFfFile ResultsDirectory [/PREFIX] [/BANDES] [/TFW] [/DOC]
- TIFIMG 6 OriIMGFile TIFFfile [Scale]
- TIFIMG 7 OriIMGFile PALFile TIFFfile [Scale]
- TIFIMG 8 RedFile GreenFile BlueFile TIFFfile [Scale]
- TIFIMG 9 ListFile ResultsDirectory Processing Radiometry [/META] [/MD] [/IDIOMATIC]
- 0:
Header information of a TIFF file.
- 1:
Transformation to IMG bit.
- 2:
IMG byte transformation.
- 3:
IMG transformation with palette.
- 4:
Transformation to IMG Multiband
- 5:
Transformation to TIFF bit
- 4:
Transformation to IMG Multiband
- 6:
Transformation to TIFF without palette.
- 7:
Transformation to TIFF with palette.
- 8:
Transformation to TIFF 24 bits
- 9:
Transformation to IMG Landsat multiband
- InputTIFFfFile
(Input TIFF file -
Input parameter): TIFF file name from which you want to obtain the header information or to transform to IMG file.
- ResultIMGFile
(Result IMG file -
Output parameter): It is the name of the IMG file transformation result.
- PALFile
(Palette file -
Output parameter): It is the name of the palette file
- IMG_RFile
(IMG red file -
Output parameter): It is the name of the result IMG file of the red band.
- IMG_GFile
(IMG green file -
Output parameter): s the name of the result IMG file of the green band.
- IMG_BFile
(IMG blue file -
Output parameter): Is the name of the result IMG file of the blue band.
- OriIMGFile
(Origin IMG file -
Input parameter): Is the name of the IMG file that will be transformed to TIFF file.
- TIFFfile
(TIFF file -
Output parameter): Is the name of the output TIFF file.
- Scale
(Scale -
Input parameter): It is the denominator of the scale in which the TIFF files will be represented. Only used in the conversion from IMG to TIFF. Default value is 100000.
- ResultsDirectory
(Results directory -
Output parameter): Is the results directory where the files will be stored.
- RedFile
(Red file -
Input parameter): Is the name of the IMG file of the red band
- GreenFile
(Green file -
Input parameter): Is the name of the IMG file of the green band
- BlueFile
(Blue file -
Input parameter): Is the name of the IMG file of the blue band
- ListFile
(TIFF list file -
Input parameter): The name of the file list of TIFF layers.
- Processing
(Processing -
Input parameter):
- Radiometry
(Radiometry -
Input parameter):
Is the prefix of the result File. (Input parameter) /BANDES=
If you do not want to convert all the bands, indicate the indices of the bands that you want to convert separated by come. (Input parameter) /TFW= (TFW directory) It allows to indicate the directory where to look for the World file (*.Tfw or *.TIFW) to apply to georeference in TIFF imports IMG. If not indicated, the World file is searched in the TIFF directory. (Input parameter) /DOC= (File pattern to document) It allows to indicate a raster file of reference of what Inherit the documentation. Never inherit the number of rows or of columns or the range of values. In case of presence of file World or GeoTiff format its value prevails over of this file. (Input parameter) /META=
(META file)
Allows you to indicate the auxiliary metadata file (* .META) for Landsat images (TM, ETM + and MSS) (* .TIF) for images processed by LPGS This file will allow documenting the capture time of the image that is in some metadata files (* .TXT). this file It should only be included in conjunction with the file metadata for Landsat. (Input parameter) /MD=
(Metadata file)
Allows you to indicate the metadata file (* .TXT) for images Landsat (TM, ETM + and MSS) (* .TIF) for both images processed by NLAPS or by LPGS. This file will allow you to document the REL associated with the image. It is important not to rename these files, which should have the WO and MTL termination depending on whether it is processed NLAPS or LPGS respectively. (Input parameter) /IDIOMATIC
(Generate filenames in the MiraMon language)
In the case of multiband importing from Landsat satellites the output file names can be generated in the MiraMon language as well as the field descriptors. (Input parameter)
- TIF and IMG extensions are assumed in each case.
- There are two ways to determine the names of the IMG files that result of converting a multiband TIFF: you can specify a name of specific file for each part, provided that the total number of bands but you can also specify a destination directory for the files resulting, and the application will automatically generate file names numbered for each side (in this case it is recommended to specify a Common prefix of names to avoid conflicts with other results executions).
- For RGB conversions it is assumed that the file names are given in the order "Red" "Green" "Blue"
- For conversions with palette add PAL extension if you want the palette at 64 intensity levels scaling per color channel, extension P25 if you want the palette in 256 intensity level scaling and P65 extension if you want the 65536-level scaling palette of intensity You can also add DBF extension. DBF format It is the MiraMon standard for pallets and symbolizing tables. (The P25 format was the standard in version 3 or lower).