Presentation and options Dialog box of the application

Presentation and options

This application converts point files in VEC (ASCII) format to point files in PNT (binary and structured) format, and vice versa. It can also simplify a PNT file by grouping points that are within a certain distance.

The VEC format is partially compatible with Idrisi's VEC files, but allows integer attributes to be of type long (ie, in the range [-2147483648, 2147483647] instead of in the range [- 32768, 32767]), expresses coordinates in double precision and supports attributes of type string. All Idrisi VEC ASCII formats are compatible with VECPNT.

The PNT format is a structured format that allows explicit topological relationships between points (in this case, control of spatial uniqueness), but it can also be used without explicit topological relationships to store files in a more efficient format (manage much more fast) and with much more sophisticated properties (several attributes per entity, multiple records [multiple record] per entity, full metadata, default symbolization, etc.). Indeed, a PNT file is a binary file associated with a T.dbf file with its attributes and a T.rel file with complete metadata (field descriptors, relationships with other tables, etc.), default symbolization and other information of interest.

In options 1 and 3, given n points that are very close according to the defined tolerance, they are merged into one and as many records as different attributes are generated [thus generating what we call a multiple record]. When converting a VEC file to PNT format, the order of the points in the PNT file is not the original VEC but they are ordered first by the x coordinate and then by the y coordinate. This ordering is not inherent in the format but a particularity of the application that orders them to speed up the topological structuring if requested.

Dialog box of the application

VecPnt dialog box






L'Idrisi es un programari © de J.Ronald Eastman and Clark University.
Aquesta aplicació fa servir i genera fitxers versió 1.1.