General syntax aspects in the MiraMon Support Modules (MSA)

Syntax aspects that afect some MiraMon Support Modules are expained here in a generic way.

Related database field selection.

Record selection when there are multiple records for a graphical object.

Selection of graphic objects according to database attributes.

Selection of one vertex Z coordenate in a 3D vectorial file with multiple height for each vertex.

Internal date and hour format.

For further information on dates and hours please refet to general considerations.

How to know what type of structuration algorithm use in some MSA? (optional modifier /ALGORITME=)

You can choose between two algorithms for calculating the intersections between different vectorial elements: "direct algorithm" and "sweep algorithm". Then, If at the time of structuring a layer it is know that structuration will generate new points (ie, intersections are detected) is better to choose "escombratge". Otherwise, you can choose to "directe".