Application examples of the MiraMon Map Reader

Lector Universal de Mapes del MiraMon

MiraMon Map Reader The MiraMon Map Reader allows to visualize raster data (orthophotographies, thematic maps, digital elevation models, ...), vector data (contour lines, topographic maps, ...) and alphanumerical databases with links to any file type which can be opened from a Windows-based application (e.g. spreadsheets, databases, sound and video files, URLs, ...).

Data that are shown below are stored in the MMZ file format, which is the compression format for MiraMon data. This file format allows a rapid download from the internet (files forming a graphical layer are highly compressed in a single file). Once the file is downloaded it is decompressed in the client computer without necessarily being connected to internet.

A simple click on the hyperlink to the MMZ files will show you the data with the MiraMon Map Reader.
You only need to have previously installed the MiraMon Map Reader

Ortofotografia 1:25000 Color
MiraMon Map Reader 1:25000 color orthophotography (2.5 meters resolution)
  • File:Orto25.MMZ (367Kb)
  • Data: 1:25000 color orthophotography. 8-bit composition. 2.5 meters resolution.
  • Data source: Cartographic Institute of Catalonia - ICC.
  • Recommendation: CLICK on the image with the mouse. The program will inform on the exact coordinates on which you have clicked and on the colors of the pixel clicked. Query by location
    • The coordinates bar can be made visible with the F6 key
1:5000 color orthophotography
MiraMon Map Reader 1:5000 color orthophotography (0.5 meters resolution)
  • File: Orto5k.MMZ (1.0 Mb)
  • Data: 1:5000 color orthophotography. 8-bit composition. 0.5 meters.
  • Data source: "Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa (DMA)" Natural Park and CREAF.
  • Recommendations: You may want to use the tools for zooming backward, forward or to a specific window. Note the high detail of this orthophotography. Zoom tools
Vegetation map
MiraMon Map Reader Vegetation map
  • File: Vegeta.MMZ (510 Kb)
  • Data: Vegetation map. Thematic map with discrete classes referring to vegetation types
  • Data source: M. Campos, S. March, A. Salvat (PNZVG - DMA)
  • Recommendations: This raster file has been compressed with an improved RLE (Run Length Encoding) algorithm wichi highly compresses the file. RLE-compression is one of the 10 raster formats that MiraMon supports.
    • You can make the legend visible with the F11 key. Observe the classes present in the map.
    • CLICK on the map (query by location) and see which information the system provides you. Query by location
    • You may print this map with any color printer. The map has been prepared to be printed at a 1:30000 scale in a DIN A4 sheet. Printing
Digital Elevation Model
MiraMon Map Reader Digital Elevation Model (45 meters)
  • File: MDE.MMZ (179 Kb)
  • Data: Digital Elevation Model with a pixel size of 45 meters. In the case of a DEM the height variable is represented in a raster. This variable presents a continuous variation over space.
  • Data source: Cartographic Institute of Catalonia - ICC.
  • Recommendations: Data values are in integers and meters.
    • You may see the legend with the F11 key. Note all the legend classes.
    • CLICK on the map (query by location) and note the information provided by the system
    • You may want to make a query by attributes (Where are ...?). You can ask the system to show you all heights between 443 and 556 meters. You can also know the extension of this height range ? (Statistics) Realitzeu una consulta per localització (On és.... ?). Demaneu on es troben les alçades entre 443 i 556 metres. Quina superfície ocupa aquest rang d'alçades? (Estadístiques) Query by attributes
    • Note the presence of volcanic cones in this area.

MiraMon Map Reader Vectors of POINT type with links to databases
  • File:Punts.MMZ (367Kb)
  • Data: Ecological and Forest Inventory of Catalonia (IEFC) with symbology according to the tree species.
  • Data source: CREAF.
  • Recommendations: This vector file has a linked database which has alphanumerical information for each point.
    The background image is the vegetation map with only two classes (urban areas / rural areas).
    • You may want to query each point and see all the information from the linked database that the system provides you with.
    • The field named "Fototgrafia" is an HYPERLINK to a Windows bitmap file (BMP). If you click on it the system launches the application associated with this file type in your computer and opens it. Hyperlink
    • This type of link can be pointed to any file type which can be opened with any application in the Windows operating system, included an URL address, an e-mail address and many others.
    • You can query both the vegetation map (raster) and the inventory points (vector) by simply switching with the F9 key.
1:5000 Topographic Map
MiraMon Map Reader Vectors of LINE type with arc-node topological structure
  • File:Linies.MMZ (1.2Mb)
  • Data: 1:5000 Topographic Map with several layers: roads, rivers, contour lines,...
  • Data source: Cartographic Institute of Catalonia - ICC.
  • Recommendations: This vector file has a linked database with alphanumerical information related to each linear graphical object.
    • You may want to query on the lines and see the information from the database that is shown.
    • You can also change the vertical order of the layers (which is on top, below, etc.) and you can make them active or not depending on the visualization conditions. You can do this with the tool for layer control of the MiraMon Map Reader. Layer control
    • You may want to add the 1:25000 color orthophotography Orto25.MMZ (367Kb) to this map.
      MiraMon Map Reader will prompt you for the program session in which you want to load the image. You can choose the same session that has the topographic map opened.
CORINE Map of Portugal
MiraMon Map Reader Vectors of POLYGON type associated to databases (I)
  • File:corine.MMZ (473Kb)
  • Data: Sector of the CORINE Map of Portugal.
  • Data source: CNIG - Portugal (
  • Recommendations: This vector file has a linked database which contains alphanumerical information which refers to each polygon (thematic classes).
    This information was originally provided in DXF format and then was imported to the MiraMon format with the MiraMon tools for Import/Export and for building topology. The database has been handled with the table management system of MiraMon, called MiraDades. This sector of the CORINE map of Portugal is in the conic BONNE projection and the legend is in portuguese.
    • You may want to query on the polygons and see the information from the database that is shown by the system.
    • You may want to change the visualization conditions of the polygons (leave the inside of the polygons without being painted, establish the color for polygon boundaries, ...) with the tool for layer control of the MiraMon Map Reader. Layer control
    • You may want to query the database that is linked to the polygons by clicking on the button Main Table that is located on the query by location window. Query by location
      MiraDades will automatically open the table that is linked to the polygons.
    • You can browse the classes of the legend with the buttons Legend browsing
Spanish Autonomous Communities
MiraMon Map Reader Vectors of POLYGON type linked to databases - INTERNET (II)
  • File:spain.MMZ (773Kb)
  • Data: Spanish Autonomous Communities.
  • Data source: CREAF
  • Recommendations: This vector file has a linked database with alphanumerical information referring to each polygon.
    For each autonomous community there is an URL address (internet) which can be contacted if you have an internet connection.
    This information is given in Lat/Long degrees.
    • You may want to query the polygons and see the information of the database that is shown.
    • You can change the visualization conditions for the polygons (do not paint inside the polygons, establish the color for polygon boundaries, ...) with the layer control tool of the MiraMon Map Reader. Layer control
    • CLICK on the field named WEB. The system launches your internet browser and brings you to the given URL address. Hiperenllaç

Other types of information
MiraMon Map Reader Database
  • File:database.MMZ (11Kb)
  • Data: Database with socio-economical information on the South of Africa.
  • Data source: World Resources Institute.
  • Recommendations: MiraMon Map Reader can also open MMZ files with any content (images, sound files, databases,...). In this case the MMZ file contains a DBF table which is automatically opened with the table manager of MiraMon, called MiraDades.
    • This DBF table contains socio-economical data on 15 southafrican countries (926 records) with 14 fields of information:
      • State Name
      • Year
      • Traditional Fuel Consumption
      • Gross National Product (Constant US$)
      • Cereals - Imports
      • Arable Land
      • Land Area
      • Arable & Permanent Cropland
      • Permanent Pasture
      • Forest and Woodland
      • Other Land
      • Population Density
      • Total Rural Population
      • Data
    • This type of information, and other types, can be added to the maps of MiraMon as complementary information.