Name of the GeM+
entry: Summary
Name of the key in the REL file:
Description and considerations: A brief description of the geographic dataset, summarising the information content. This key has no equivalent in the older documentation files.
It is necessary to distinguish between the existence of an empty summary and the non-existence of the summary. This difference is made by selecting or not the option "Summary". If the option is selected the summary will be saved in the metadata but if it is unselected the summary will be deleted.
Follows the proposal of: The CEN
Obligatory according to the CEN: Yes
Cardinality: 1
Key type: C
AppliesToSeries: Yes
Name of GeM+ entry: Coordinator
Name of REL file key: Coordinador#
Equivalent to the entry Identification > Citation Information > Originator of the FGDC standard, defined as the name of the organisation or individual that has developed the database and the entry MD_Identification > Citation > CI_ResponsibleParty > Originator of the ISO standard.
Follows the proposal of: CEN, FGDC, ISO
Obligatory according to FGDC: Yes
Cardinality: N
Key type: C
AppliesToLayer: Yes
AppliesToSeries: Yes
Name of GeM+ entry: Promotor
Name of REL file key: Promotor#
Description and considerations: Organisation or organisations that promote and finance the database. We have to differentiate this from two similar figures: the coordinador and the producer.
Follows the proposal of: CEN
Obligatory according to CEN: Yes
Cardinality: N
Key type: C
AppliesToLayer: Yes
AppliesToSeries: Yes
Name of GeM+ entry: Editor
Name of REL file key: Editor#
Description and considerations: Organisation or organisations that edit (publish) the database.
Equivalent to the entry Identification > Citation Information > Publication Information > Publisher of the FGDC standard, defined as the name of the organisation or the individual that has developed the database and the entry MD_Identification > Citation > CI_ResponsibleParty > Publisher of the ISO standard.
Follows the proposal of: CEN, FGDC, ISO
Obligatory according to ISO: No
Cardinality: N
Key type: C
AppliesToLayer: Yes
AppliesToSeries: Yes
Name of GeM+ entry GeM+: Distributor
Name of REL file key: Distribuidor#
Description and considerations: Organisation or organisations that distribute the database.
Equivalent to the entry Identification > Distribution Information > Distributor of the FGDC, defined as the name of the organisation or individual that has developed the database and the entry MD_Metadata > MD_Distribution > MD_Distributor of the ISO standard.
Follows the proposal of: CEN, FGDC, ISO
Obligatory according to ISO: No
Cardinality: N
Key type: C
AppliesToLayer: Yes
AppliesToSeries: Yes
Name of GeM+ entry: Layer creation
Name of REL file key: CreationDate
Description and considerations: This information about the database gives the data on which the database was generated or created which often coincides with the date of the layer's graphics file. It does not refer to the dates to which the contents refer, which may be different, for example if the field work or the information about the territory is anterior. The content date is found in the thematic information section.
CEN considers the DatePromotion entry and defines this as the date of production of the database. In the FGDC standard, in the Citation subsection of the Identification section there is a PublicationDate entry that is obligatory and has Cardinality 1 and which is defined as the publication date of the database.
However the ISO standard increases the possibilities for defining the date of the database and as indicated in the ISO Core Metadata, the Dataset reference date is defined in the Citation section (depending on the Identification section). The dates are defined as two metadata entries (that make the composite element CI_Date): the value of the date itself; and what action this date refers to (creation, publication, or revision). According to this standard it is obligatory to document at least one reference date and then as many others as considered necessary can be added.
Based on the above, for the time being, it has been decided to implement in the metadata model the creation date of the database as an obligatory entry, with cardinality 1, leaving pending the definition of the publication, edition and revision dates of the database for future versions of the model. In fact, the Layer update date is also considered in the MiraMon model.
The reason that the cardinality is set to 1 is that it is plausible that although there may be more than one publication and more than one revision of the database, the creation date should be unique since it happens only once (as commented below).
Consult the considerations about the time and date.
Follows the proposal of: ISO
Obligatory according to ISO: Yes
Cardinality: 1
Key type: C
AppliesToLayer: Yes
AppliesToSeries: No
Name of GeM+ entry GeM+: Layer update
Name of REL file key: ActualizationDate
Description and considerations: This information on the database tells about the dates of updates of the geographical database. It does not refer to the date on which the contents are updated. The content update period is found in the thematic information section.
In accordance with the standards discussed above for the Layer creation date entry, for the time being it has been decided to implement this entry as an obligatory entry with cardinality N in the metadata model.
Consult the considerations on the time and date.
Follows the proposal of: ISO
Obligatory according to ISO: Yes
Cardinality: N
Key type: C
AppliesToLayer: Yes
AppliesToSeries: No