This section contains sufficient data to clearly identify the dataset. This section is obligatory.
This section is based on the proposals of the (ENV 12657) European metadata standards and also takes into account the American (CSDGM) standard, altough the latter makes no distinction between the Identification section and the Presentación section.
GeM+ entry
name: Dataset
Name of the REL file key: DatasetTitle
Description and considerations: The explicit name of the geographic dataset, that should be sufficient to allow the user to identify it uniquely. This is the title that appears in the MiraMon title bar when this dataset is displayed by itself (not when it is displayed as part of a map, for example).
This key is equivalent of the "file title" entry in the older documentation files. In the case of automatically generated multiband REL4 files, the "Dataset Title" includes the common part of the "file title" of the different bands that make up the multiband file. The rest of the "file title", that is the part that varies for each band, is included in the Band description key (within the ATTRIBUTE_DATA:NOM_CAMP section) of the field corresponding to each band.
This is equivalent to the CEN DatasetTitle entry and the Title entry in the citation section of the Identification section of both the ISO and FGDC standards. (MD_Metadata > MD_Identification.citation > CI_Citation.title).
Follows the proposal of: ISO
Obligatory according to ISO: Yes
Cardinality: 1
Key type: C
AppliesToSeries: Yes
GeM+ entry name: Alternative title
Name of the REL file key: AlternateTitle#
Description and considerations: Short names or other language names by which the cited information is known. Example: "DCW" as an alternative title for "Digital Chart of the World.
Follows the proposal of: the ISO
Obligatory according to the ISO: No
Cardinality: N
Key type: C
AppliesToSeries: Yes