MiraMon considers a
raster to be any spatial representation made by dividing the space into a
net of squares (called cells or pixels) into a rectangular space. So, a raster can hold satellite
imagery, aerial photographs, digital elevation models (DEM), raster
thematic maps (land cover classes, etc), etc. In any case, users can get information, in the
metadata file, about if that kind of data refers to a global mean
value for each cell (the case of radiance sensor imagery or traditional aerial
cameras), to a central cell value (the usual case for elevation in DEM), to a modal
value (that is, the more frequent class in that cell, like in many
thematic maps), etc. Understanding the nature of the stored data in each
cell involves differences in the treatment of different spatial operations (for
instance, resolution changes, resampling by interpolation,
The data file can be stored in several formats,
both the own MiraMon formats:
- Decompressed IMG: A binary format without a header in which
pixels are placed from left to right and from top to bottom, without any
separation between image rows (except in bit files); moreover, in bit
files, bits of each byte are numbered (0 to 7) starting with the least
significant bit, and a byte never shares pixels from two rows: each row must
start at bit 0 and may contain unused bits at the end of a row (if there are
any, they must take a value of 0).
This format is identical to that used by Esri and Idrisi software for versions 4 and earlier.
Compressed IMG:
A binary format with or without a header (at the end) that uses several strategies
to compress data so it needs less disc space. Whatever
the strategy used (classic RLE, RLE extracompressed, with indexation,
etc) it always uses lossless compression (i.e.
conservative), so it is always possible to go back to the decompressed
format with the original characteristics (use the IMGIMG module from "Tools | File
maintenance | Raster conversion and
compression/decompression"). The compression used in IMG files is a variant of the Run Length Encoding, RLE. RLE is a lossless compression strategy that is very
efficient for categorical images with many pixels repeated in the same
row, but it doesn't work well when the image (or a part of it)
displays areas without repetitions (like an aerial photography, or a
DEM); in these cases, it is so inefficient that it can get to double
the size of the image. A second disadvantage is that there is no way
of going quickly to a certain pixel (it is necessary to decompress the
image dynamically until getting the requested pixel), and this
makes accessing consecutive readings slow. MiraMon uses two improvements in
conventional RLE strategy to avoid these disadvantages: the first one is
called , that avoids using the RLE counter
in areas without repetitions in the raster; these zones are preceded
by an RLE counter with a value of zero, which conventionally indicates that next byte expresses
the number of decompressed values (whatever they are byte, integer, etc) that follow; the second strategy is to
generate RLE indexed files in which the offsets to the beginning of each row are added at
the end of the file, any point of the raster can be accessed quickly.
Both files, Compressed and Decompressed IMG, use .img extension and also in both cases, metadata can be fully documented with the GeM+ from the I.rel file created by MiraMon.
and formats that can be directly open with MiraMon:
- TIFF/GeoTIFF: A binary format with header defined by
Aldus/Adobe Systems. MiraMon supports 1-bit, 8-bit grayscale, 8-bit palette, 24-bit (3 bands) and multiband with more than 3 bands TIFF files. The TIFF format can be decompressed or use lossless compressions (LZW). For georeferencing MiraMon accepts both the GeoTiff format (georeference embedded in the header), the presence of a World file (.tfw or .tifw) and the specification in the MiraMon metadata files. For more information regarding the order of priorities used by MiraMon when there is more than one georeferencing source, see the TIFIMG module. It uses the extension .tiff, .tif. This format can be directly open by MiraMon for visualization, query, etc, purposes, but some modules may not support it; in that case, it should be imported with the appropriate tool of the "File | Import menu" to one of the formats that the module supports.
- JPEG: A binary format with a header defined by the Joint Photographic Experts Group and
especially useful for containing photography-like imagery in a very small
file size (aerial photography, orthophotos, remote sensing images, etc).
MiraMon supports JPEG files with 24 bit pixel color (natural
color) or 256 grey levels. However, JPEG is, in most cases, a lossy (unconservative) format, so it is useful for images devoted to visual
analysis (like orthophotos), but not for rigorous digital analysis (like the applied to obtain categorical thematic
maps or DEM). It uses a .jpg (or .jpeg) extension. Metadata can be fully documented with the GeM+ from the J.rel file created by MiraMon. This format can be directly open by MiraMon for visualization, query, etc, purposes, but some modules may not support it; in that case, it should be imported with the appropriate tool of the "File | Import menu" to one of the formats that the module supports.
- JPEG2000: A binary format
with a header defined by the Joint
Photographic Experts Group. MiraMon supports JPEG2000 files with 24
bit pixel color (true color), 256 grey levels as well as RGBK
(which is similar to the 24 bit files but with an additional band
indicating transparency) and multispectral images in which any band
name and description can be used. The JPEG2000 format can be with
lossy or lossless. It uses the
extensions jp2, j2c (without header). A raster band selector has been implemented in JPEG2000 multispectral (of more than 3 bands) so the user can select between seeing one of the bands in gray scale or choosing 3 to make an RGB composite.
This format can be directly open by MiraMon for visualization, query, etc, purposes, but some modules may not support it; in that case, it should be imported with the appropriate tool of the "File | Import menu" to one of the formats that the module supports.
- ECW:
A binary format using wavelet compression optimized for aerial and satellite imagery developed by Earth Resource Mapping/Leica Geosystems. Georeferencing can be embedded within the file. It uses the extension .ecw. The reading of ECW files of more than 3 bands has been implemented as well as the support to several spatial reference systems, including those based on ETRS89. This format can be directly open by MiraMon for visualization, query, etc, purposes, but some modules may not support it; in that case, it should be imported with the appropriate tool of the "File | Import menu" to one of the formats that the module supports.
- MrSID: A binary format with a
header defined by LizardTech, Inc.
MiraMon supports MrSID files with 24 bit pixel color (true
color), with 256 grey levels as well as RBGK (which is similar to the
24 bit files but with an additional band indicating transparency) and
multispectral images in which any band
name and description can be used. The
MrSID format can use lossy or lossless. It uses a sid. extension. This format can be directly open by MiraMon for visualization, query, etc, purposes, but some modules may not support it; in that case, it should be imported with the appropriate tool of the "File | Import menu" to one of the formats that the module supports.
- BMP: A binary format with header defined by Microsoft that stores the values of the cells sorted from left to right and from bottom to top. Usually it has no compression, although lossless compression of the RLE type can be applied. It uses the extension .bmp. Metadata can be fully documented with the GeM+ from the B.rel file created by MiraMon. This format can be directly open by MiraMon for visualization, query, etc, purposes, but some modules may not support it; in that case, it should be imported with the appropriate tool of the "File | Import menu" to one of the formats that the module supports.
- DIB: A binary format analogous to BMP, without the file header (with BITMAPINFO, but without BITMAPFILEHEADER). This format can be directly open by MiraMon for visualization, query, etc, purposes, but some modules may not support it; in that case, it should be imported with the appropriate tool of the "File | Import menu" to one of the formats that the module supports.
An extensive number of other raster formats can also be incorporated into MiraMon, via import, as the aforementioned with direct opening, and currently the E00 raster, RST (Idrisi32), HDF, LAN/GIS (Erdas 7.4), CEOS (Landsat), NDF (Landsat), JPEG2000 (Sentinel), SPOT, GRD (Surfer), PGM/PPM, CTL (Grad) and RF (Zebra). For more information refer the Import option in the "File" menu.
The 10 subformats
accepted by MiraMon for the own IMG format (compressed or decompressed)
are in the following table; all them, except bit, can be compressed:
bits per pixel
bytes per pixel
type of value
whole values (for integer numbers) or maximum and minimum values and number of significant figures (for real numbers)
examples of use
Mask image
Thematic cartography up to 256 categories, aerial or satellite imagery
(black and white or color) up to 256 grey levels or 256
[-32768, 32767]
Thematic cartography of more than 256 categories, several types of DTM, aerial or satellite imagery (black and white or color) of more than 256 grey levels or 256 colors
unsigned integer
[0, 65535]
Same as "integer", but without negative values and more possible positive values
unsigned integer-RLE
[0, 65535]
Compressed version of the flat binary format, which by default is generated indexed for faster access speed
[-2147483648, 2147483647]
Thematic cartography with links to databases
(~-3.4E+38, ~3.4E+38)
Several types of DEM that need single real precision (6 guaranteed significant figures) as temperature maps with tenth degree accuracy
(~-1.7E+308, ~1.7E+308)
Several types of DEM that need double real precision (15 guaranteed significant figures). In practice, double format is only used to intermediate calculations in which you need too much precision, and not for final layers
MiraMon allows to
- 24 bit pixel color or 16 million colors, combining 3 bands from one or several images (compressed or not, byte, integer, etc.) such as JPEG, JPEG2000, MrSID or BMP.
- Using semi-transparency in any case.
- Using semi-transparency in any case.
- Defining the type assignment from the pixel values to the palette values
choosing from options: direct assignment
of integers (1 to 1 correspondence between pixel values and
the values of the palette), direct integers with displacement
of origin, linear scaling or logarithmic scaling.
- Modifying the range of values to display.
As of version 4.0, MiraMon accepts multiband in the same raster file consisting of "n" value files (.img, .jpg, .jp2, .j2c, .sid, etc. extensions) and a metadata file which incorporates not only georeferencing but also default symbolization, relationships between tables and other metadata such as spatial and thematic quality indicators, etc (.rel extension).
As of version
5.5, MiraMon incorporates the possibility of opening
several raster files in a single session
(multiraster) without limiting the scope of
other open layers. They can be opened directly from any of the
formats described above and many others using the
import option.
The documentation
file I.rel that always goes with the data file (or files) is specific
to MiraMon. It is a flat text file in Windows INI format, formed by
sections and keys. This file can be edited with any text
processor (NOTEPAD, EDIT, etc); however, because of its complexity, it is
recommended to make documentation using Universal Geospatial Metadata Manager
(GeM+). In each section there
are key words followed by an equal sign and a value or chain of
characters. These key words allow you to define the information that the
metadata has to contain.
Currently, the
main supported sections in the metadata I.rel files are:
- [VERSIO] ->
Section that describes the version and subversion of the REL
- [METADADES] -> Section that describes the general characteristics of the metadata, such as the language or languages in which the metadata is defined, the creation date, the character set, or the unique identifier of the file.
- [METADADES:ORGANISME_#] -> Section describing the metadata publisher. The # symbol is the number of the participating organization.
- [IDENTIFICATION] -> Section that describes the title of
open raster, etc.
-> Section that describes, among other things, the date the base was
created, the date of updating, a summary as well as data of the
coordinator, promoter, publisher and distributor of the
- [OVERVIEW:ORGANISME_#] -> Section that describes, among others,
data of the coordinating organization, promoter, publisher and
base distributor. The # symbol is the number of the participating organization. The first
to appear is always the number 1 and the later ones carry consecutive numbers.
- [OVERVIEW:ASPECTES_TECNICS] -> Section that describes,
among other things, the type of file, the data model, the type of
object, the number of objects, the number of rows and columns as well as
some commentaries.
that describes the characteristics of the platform and the
indicates the type of horizontal reference system (cartographic or
local) and its description, units, projection, datum and ellipsoid,
that describes the quality of the horizontal reference system (with
indicators such as positional exactitude - RMS in X, RMS in Y, RMS in
the adjustment of the ground control points, etc).
- [EXTENT] ->
Section that describes, among other things, the extension of the base
(scope coordinates) as well as extreme pixels (external edge and pixel
- [QUALITY:LINEAGE:PROCESS_#] -> Sections that describe the
different processes carried out in the base (radiometric correction,
geometric correction, mosaicking between layers, transformation of
raster formats, for example from CEOS to IMG, etc.), and which entity
has carried out the process and when. The symbol # is the number
of the processes carried out in the base and indicates the order in
which they were carried out. The first process always corresponds to
number 1 and the next processes take consecutive
- [ATTRIBUTE_DATA] -> Section that describes the attributes
of the data in the base (units of the base values, value assigned to
NODATA, number of bands, etc).
- [ATTRIBUTE_DATA:NOM_CAMP] -> Section that describes
generic characteristics of the band, for example name, description or
the range of the band spectrum by definition, minimum and maximum value
of the data in the image, etc.
- [ATTRIBUTE_DATA:NOM_CAMP:BAND] -> Section that indicates
the particular characteristics of a band in the base, for instance, the
minimum and maximum radiance, minimum and maximum wavelength, scaling
coefficients, etc.
- [COLOR_TEXT:] -> Section that indicates the
raster display features, for example the
definition of the palette to open by default, the treatment of the
variable, semitransparency, color of NODATA values,
the minimum and maximum display scale,
- [VISU_LLEGENDA:] -> Section that indicates the
display characteristics of the legend with respect to the
number and description of categories, etc.
The order of the sections can be any within the file. Also, the order of the keys within each section.
An example of the I.rel file format can be consulted by opening with Windows Notebook the file that provides the raster metadata corresponding to the Digital Model of Elevations every 200 m that is distributed with the Preferred Collections of Catalonia, MDE200m_ICC_AsterI.rel. A more complete description can be found in the help of the Universal Geospatial Metadata Manager.
For versions before the
4.0 MiraMon version, raster formats were inspired by the Idrisi binary
format for raster files (and they were compatible with this format with some
restrictions). They were formed by two files: a values file (img
extension) and a documentation file, which had the georeference (doc
extension). For the versions before version 4.0, the only possible format
was the monoband (which could be decompressed, compressed or
extracompressed -RLE-).
Old documentation files that came with raster files
were also flat text files, editable with any text processor, although they
only included a minimum description of the layer, such as the descriptive
title, data type, file type, number of rows and columns, horizontal
reference system and units, extension, positioning errors, etc., in a much
briefer way compared with the current documentation file. Moreover, there
was no possibility of documenting multiband images in only one metadata
file or establishing relations between fields and tables, which GeM+
For more information about the formats and contents of the old
documentation files and the new metadata files, you can consult Metadata file format and table relations file