This application performs the conversion between DXF files (obtained with DXFOUT of AutoCAD, export of CorelDraw, etc.) and vectorial files, either topological structured (grouped in a MMM file) or not (VEC format). The application has 7 options, that determine the type of entity to be extracted:

For options 1 to 5, the application allows to restrict entities to convert to those with numerical attribute, rejecting those with alphanumerical attributes. In case of choosing only numerical attribute entities, the rounding of non numerical attributes can be forced. These 5 options allows 8 entity filters:

ALL LAYERS ENTITY FILTER (entity filter 1):
Converts all the entities of a determined typed (line, point, etc.) being in all the layers that have a name compatible with the chosen type. If output attribute type is restricted to numerical integer values, only DXF file layers with integer attribute will be converted (except in the case of text type entities with text as attribute and when is the text that gives the attribute and not the layer, so that it must be integer). The application will keep this value as attribute of the VEC file vectors and will ignore entities situated in layers with non-integer names (an advise will be shown by console when incompatible or rounded attributes exist).
ONE LAYER ENTITY FILTER (entity filter 2):
Converts all the entities of a determined typed (line, point, etc.) being in a certain layer that can have as a name an alphanumerical attribute. The application allows to change the attribute of the converted entities (except in text options with text as attribute and blocks, where layer name is only used to filter, and the converted attribute is the own text or the block name). The application converts layer name (or the text string to search) to a numerical attribute or user defined alphanumerical.
Allows to choose layers and changes to be performed on the attributes of entities converted to VEC. This selection is read from a file of equivalences. The application will usually convert to capital letters text strings that give name to layers, since DXF format keeps the names in capital letters; however, some software (for ex. A/I) do not respect this rule and may write names using small letters. Therefore DXFVEC offers the chance of NOT performing the conversion. Also you should take into account that accentuated letters (capital or small) can not be translated nor compared with the non-accentuated. This entity filter can also be used to extract several layers from a DXF file without the need to iterate many times with the one layer entity filter (entity filter 2); in this case layer name must be equal to the equivalence name in the file of equivalences. See the example below.
ONE TEXT ENTITY FILTER (entity filter 4):
This entity filter has sense only for texts and blocks. Permits extracting only DXF texts or blocks with the specified text or block name. In case of options 3 and 5 substitute text will be requested.
This entity filter has sense only for texts and blocks. Permits extracting only DXF texts or blocks with the text or block name specified in a file of equivalences. As in the former case, if it is required the text or block name will be replaced by another equivalent attribute.
ALTIMETRY ENTITY FILTER (entity filter 6):
Assigns the attribute of each entity from the Z coordinate of the first vertex of each DXF file entity.
Only valid for entities of type polyline, line and point.
Entities from all layers are transformed.
Equal to the former, but only elements specified in an equivalences file will be extracted.
The previous filters read the entities from the ENTITIES section in the DXF file. On the other filters of the application, and when using blocks, these are extracted with the option 5 as points. Nevertheless, every block presents a geometric description in the BLOCKS section of the DXF file. In some cases it may be interesting to extract every single block description in a VEC file (usually in a 'plane' reference system). This description can be used to generate an EMF that in MiraMon can be associated to points obtained using option 5. Through this way, you get a more faithful visualization. This description could be used to generate an EMF file that, in MiraMon, could be linked as a symbol to the point in the point file obtained with the option 5 and get a better view on MiraMon.
Entity filters 3, 5 and 7 need an equivalence file. An equivalence file is a text file containing couples of equivalences in one column with the following format:


  1. VEC files are ASCII and compatibles with Idrisi software. However, Idrisi does not recognise (at least until v. 4.1) neither attributes of type "string" nor attributes of type "integer" that contain values of type "long" (greater than 32767 or lower than -32768).
  2. VEC files, when used in Idrisi, even with version 4.x, can give problems if they a zero as attribute.
  3. Vector-binary Idrisi files have 4 bytes of precision (6-7 significant digits), so, keep in mind when using "CONVERT V" that you can lose precision. We recommend working always with VEC files of type ASCII. MiraMon only supports VEC ASCII files.
  4. The VEC format can be structured by topology by using other MiraMon tools (VECPNT, Linarc, etc).

DXFVec 0 Fitx1 [FitxText]
DXFVec 1|2|3|4|5 F_DXF F_VEC TypeofAttrib Filter [N_decimal [Tolerance]]
0 Information on file contents
1 lines, polylines, arcs, circles, ellipses and solids -> lines or polygons, depending on whether they are opened or not
2 points -> points
3 texts -> points with text value as attribute
4 texts -> points with text as attribute
5 blocks -> points with block name as attribute
1 Objects from all the layers
2 Objects from one layer
3 Objects from several layers from a file with one column equivalencies
4 One text in any layer (only valid in options 3, 4 and 5)
5 Several texts in all the layers from a file of equivalences. (only valid in options 3, 4 and 5)
6 Altimetry: attribute will be deduced from the Z of the first vertex.
7 Altimetry from a file that contains the desired layers.
8 Block descripcions
F_DXF: Name of the DXF file to convert
F_VEC: Name of the output VEC file
F_VEC: Usually it is the name of the output VEC file. It is the extraccion directory when using the filter 8.
D_MMM: Disk directory where MMM map and its topologic files will be created.
1 Integer numbres ignoring texts and rounding if necessary
2 Real numbers ignoring texts
3 Alphanumerical (texts and numbers) (not valid with altimetry entities filters)
is the number of decimal figures written in the coordinates of the output file; its default value is 6.
Is the maximum tolerated error when converting arcs, circles ellipses and curvatures between vertices DXF to VEC polylines. It can be used only with option 1. By default is 0.
Is the name of a text file that will keep a copy of the information shown in the screen. It can be used only with option 0.
Means that you want to import third dimension form the DXF file.
1 means you want to importar 3rt dimension from DXF file. 0 means you don't want to importar. If the parametre isn't indicated, the program determines if DXF file si 2D o 3D file and choose the appropiated VEC format.
Is the name of the equivalences file when using entities filters 3, 5 and 7. If it isn't indicated, the name will be asked during execution.
Is the name of the layer to import using the filter 2. If it isn't indicated, the name will be asked during execution.
Is the atributte that substitutes the name of the layer to import using the filters 2 and 3. If it isn't indicated and you have indicated /CAPA, it takes the same valor; on the contrari, it will be asked during execution.
Is the name of the text to import. If it isn't indicated, the name will be asked during execution.
All entities will be located in a unique point or arc/polygon file despite the original layers distribution. If this option is not present, every original layer will keep their entities in separated topological files.
With this option, the bloc entities will not be draw. However, a points layer will always be created containing all the blocs insertion points (by default, this layer is not visible but consultable).

Arc/Info, AutoCad, CorelDraw and Idrisi are trade marks of its respective owners.
MiraMon is a trade mark of Xavier Pons.
Import/Export tools for vector files: