EscalVEC: Vector entities scalling and shifting

This program performs a change of scale and/or a shift of vector files in non-structured VEC format. It also changes map coordinates to paper coordinates as a prior step for exporting the some drawing packages.

Scaling option is useful, for example, to convert files having m as reference units to files having km, using a scaling factor of 0.001 and a displacement of 0 in both X and Y axes. It is also useful to add a digit (for ex. 4) to Y UTM coordinates coming from a program that do not support double precision UTM coordinates and, therefore, truncate the first number. This way, if we write Scaling=1, XDisplac=0 and YDisplac=4000000, we will obtain number 4 append on Y UTM coordinates, expressed in m. Conversely, to export MiraMon files to other packages not supporting double precision coordinates, you can use Scaling=1, XDisplac=0, YDisplac=-4000000 and the output file will have Y UTM coordinates lacking the first 4.

The change of scale option is useful as a previous step before exporting a file to a drawing program format (for example, before converting to DXF format).

When the file is 3D it is possible to apply and scale factor and a Z displacement.

EscalVEC 1  InpFile OutFile Scaling Units XDisplac YDisplac [Precision]
EscalVEC 2  InpFile OutFile Scale   Units Xmin     Ymin     [Precision]