IMGASCII: Export to ASCII format from MiraMon raster

This module generates an ASCII text file from a MiraMon raster format file: img+i.rel in version 4 or img+doc in previous versions.

The format of the file produced by this program may be:

It is also possible to define at the start of the file a small header with the extent and the pixel size or a header with all the information contained in the documentation file i.rel or doc.

When the raster contains real values it is possible to specify the number of decimal places to be written using the parameter /N_DEC_VAL=. For the case where the coordinates are to be exported it is also possible to define, using the parameter /N_DEC_POS=, the number of decimal places to be used when writing the coordinates. If necessary, when these parameters are not defined, the program will use the number of decimal places defined by the DigitsDecimals= key of the [MiraMon] section of the MiraMon.par configuration file.

Note: If you wish to import the ASCII format generated as a sequence of values (option 1), this can be done with the module ASCIIImg. On the other hand to import the format that includes the coordinates (option 2), it is necessary to use the module BdPnt which will produce a points file which then has to be rasterised with the module TiraVec.

IMGASCII Option InputFile OutputFile [Optional Parameters]
Optional Parameters: