SDEMM: Conversion from ArcSDE spatial databases to MiraMon formats

ArcSDE is an interface for accessing geodatabases designed by ESRI. It is able to use a database manager such as Oracle.

SDEMM imports an ArcSDE layer to the MiraMon topological format (PNT, ARC/NOD, POL).

It is possible to access an ArcSDE server using an IP name and address and the instance. Each server may have one or more geodatabases which can be accessed with a user-name and a password. In order to facilitate geodatabase use, ArcSDE allows you to structure the information in layers which contain only one type of object and which display a homogeneous table of attributes (the same attributes for each object of the layer). SDEMM allows you to import a layer of a database of an instance of an ArcSDE server.

The program allows you to import point layers, arcs/nodes or polygons from the ArcSDE server. If there is information regarding the Z of each vertex, this is also incorporated. The attributes of the objects of the layer are converted into attributes of the objects stored in the main table of MiraMon files. ArcSDE can contain multipart- or multiline-type objects when these share the same attributes. When importing to MiraMon a number of different point and line objects respectively are generated and the same thematic attributes are assigned to the main table.

If there is an importation error, a message appears clearly indicating the nature of the error or, if this is not the case, a code appears whose meaning can be found by consulting the miscellaneous section.

In order to speed up the extraction of data from the ArcSDE server, point, arc and polygon files can be imported in two ways:

The program requires the DLLs sde.dll, pe.dll, sg.dll and MSVCR71.dll which can be downloaded from fitxer general.mmz and installed.

The drivers of the ArcSDE client are not compatible with Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows ME. Consequently, it is not possible to access these data for computers with these operating systems.

SDEMM 0 server instance Database user password [fitxerInfo]
SDEMM 1 server instance Database user password SDElayer MiraMonlayer [/NOM_REL_DE_CAPA=] [/ID_ENTITAT=]
SDEMM 2 server instance Database user password SDElayer MiraMonlayer [/NOM_REL_DE_CAPA=] [/ID_ENTITAT=]
SDEMM 3 server instance Database user password SDElayer LayerREL [/ID_ENTITAT=]
  • 0: Information regarding the ArcSDE geodatabase indicated .
  • 1: Importation to MiraMon format and topological structuring (recommended).
  • 2: Importation to MiraMon format.
  • 3: Generation of a layer REL.
  • server is the name of the server where the layer you wish to import is stored. For example,
  • instance is the instance where the layer you wish to import is located. For example, 5153.
  • DataBase is the name of the database in the server where the layer you wish to import is stored. For example, SDE_RefDatabase. If you type an asterisk ('*'), you will obtain information regarding all the databases. It is necessary to type an asterisk on Oracle managers.
  • user is the username for this server and this instance.
  • password is the user password for this server and this instance. If you type an asterisk '*', the program asks for it when it needs it (only once).
  • InfoFile (without extension) uses the extension '.txt' and will contain the list of layers available on this server, this instance and this database, for this user. If it is not included, the information will disappear from the screen.
  • MiraMonLayer (without extension) is the output layer. A layer in MiraMon format is generated (PNT, ARC/NOD or POLS depending on the type of layer that you request from ArcSDE) with this pattern name. If you type an asterisk,'*', the file will be generated temporarily and eliminated when no longer needed.
  • SDELayer is the name of the layer that you wish to import from the ArcSDE database.
  • LayerREL is the name of a layer REL that is generated and links with the SDElayer.

Optional parameters:

  • ID_ENTITAT indicates the field name of the SDElayer which will act as identifier for the entity. If you select this parameter, the main table will contain two fields and the secondary one will contain as many fields as the SDElayer (except the field which contains the spatial information (Shape).
  • NOM_REL_DE_CAPA is the name of the layer REL that is generated and links with the SDElayer.