Presentation and options Dialog box of the application

Presentation and options

This application converts an ArcGIS/ArcView Shapefile (SHP) into a MiraMon topological file (PNT, ARC/NOD, POL) and vice-versa.

The application allows layers of points, polylines or polygons to be converted. If there is information on the Z of each vertex then this is also converted to create a MiraMon 3D file. The table associated with the file is converted as the principal table of the corresponding structured file. In this version the (measures) that may be associated with each vertex are not converted nor complex shapes called multipatch (such as TINs or others) Contact us at if you require this. To perform the transformation the application requires the input layer to consist of 3 files with the same name and the extensions: SHP, SHX and DBF, in the ArcGIS/ArcView Shapefile (SHP) into a MiraMon topological file (PNT, ARC/NOD, POL) case, and generates this three files in the other case.

The characteristics of the SHP format are such that these files do not contain topological relations (consult the document ESRI Shapefile Technical Description for more details). For this reason arc or polygon files can be imported in several ways:

Dialog box of the application

SHPTop dialog box






How to know what type of algorithm use in option 1? (optional modifier /ALGORISME=) Go to general syntax for more information.

ArcGIS/ArcView is a registered trademark of Esri, Inc.