Presentation and options Dialog box of the application

Presentation and options

The application allows the creation of both continuous distance maps (raster result) and influence maps (buffers) at a specified distance from the target entities (raster and vector result).

The target entities can be raster or vector. If they are raster then any cell with a value different from NoData is taken as a target cell. For the vector case, any entity (point, line or polygon) is taken as a target entity (in raster treatment in influence areas of vector files it is also possible to choose only those vector entities with a certain attribute). For rasters, in order to use only certain elements as the target entities it is necessary to first either carry out an attribute query from MiraMon and to save the result in a new file or to use CalcImg. Similarly if a lot of processing is required with many files then the target entity selection process can be performed automatically either from CalcImg or from VecSelec.

The result of an influence area can be either in raster or vector format; When the result is a vector file, it is possible to perform a full vector treatment or a raster treatment where the result is the vectorization of rasters, therefore, the parameters that define the temporary raster extent are needed. Whenever an influence area is requested and the input file is a raster, the application starts by generating a distance map and then selects the areas within the specified distances. It is also possible to run subsequently the GenVPol application in order to smooth the edges of the obtained influence areas.

In the rasters model, distances are calculated by the SHORTEST ROUTE from the center of each cell to the center of the nearest target cell. When necessary this requires calculations of geodesic curvature.

The distances are expressed in the units of the reference system (see however the section IMPORTANT NOTES, below).

Unlike other GIS programs, that calculate with single precision numbers and so loose accuracy with small cells or very large coordinate values, BufDist uses double precision numbers and optimized processing of numerical values so that the distances calculated are correct even in very large files (with many rows and columns). We have found that even in files with 341 rows x 341 columns and a cell size of 50 m in UTM projection, our results differ from other programs by up to 10 cells; other programs detected the wrong cells as the closest and gave erroneous distance values of up to 3.3 m.

If a continuous distance map is requested:

If an influence area is requested: IMPORTANT NOTES: In cartographic projections like UTM, Gauss, Lambert Conic or any other projection that is reasonably equidistant in all directions, the distances are expressed in the reference system units, which normally results in straightforward decisions about the distances in the calculation.

However, in some map projections with a marked asymmetry in the projected distances -Mercator, Equirectangular "lat/long", etc-, the calculations could have significant errors if the distances are calculated as Cartesian (rectangular), due to the characteristics of the projection itself. For this reason BufDist makes appropriate corrections when it detects "Mercator", "Equirectangular" (latitude/longitude in degrees), etc so that the results are more realistic.

If for cases of approximately equidistant projections (eg UTM) centimetric precision is required, then it is possible to force the application to calculate distances with high precision by selecting the parameter /DIST_GEOD=1. With this procedure the results are practically identical, in the case of UTM, to applying the linear deformation factor (K) to the distance calculations (see for example, Estruch 1996, page. 93, for a numerical example).

Bear in mind, however, that the calculation of distances is MUCH SLOWER when /DIST_GEOD=1 is selected.

As already stated, for projections of the type "Mercator" and "Equirectangular" the distances are always calculated as though /DIST_GEOD=1 was chosen, since otherwise the results would be unrealistic. If however the user wishes to force the application to use Cartesian and not geodesic distances then select /DIST_GEOD=0.

Unless explicitly indicated, BufDist does not consider circularities in the calculations (i.e. when maps represent the whole Earth it does not consider that the extreme left and right (west and east) are close together, and it calculates on a flat map). If distances are to be calculated over the whole globe then it must be used the /MAPAMUNDI parameter in order to consider circularities when using BufDist. Before using /MAPAMUNDI, it must be considered:

In summary, and to highlight the main points, remember that BufDist calculates Cartesian coordinates over the reference system and it carries out rigorous geodesic calculations for the cases on "Mercator" or "Equirectangular" projections (in these special cases a message is shown on the screen indicating that the appropriate corrections are being performed). It also carries out rigorous geodesic calculations when this is explicitly requested using /DIST_GEOD=1.

If using a projection that is neither UTM nor Mercator nor Equirectangular, check that the projection allows cartesian distances to be calculated without significant errors. If necessary, consult

More information can be consulted at the following reference:

Pesquer L, Pons X, Masó J (2005) Necesidad de cálculos geodésicos para las herramientas SIG de análisis de distancias y superficies. 6th Geomatic Week proceedings (ISSN 1699-3489). Barcelona.

Finally, it should be noted that in other popular software, the vector result can be wrong with regard to the attributes of the polygons generated in the influence areas mode. Indeed, when the influence areas of two or more target entities with different attributes overlap, these softwares do not allow to know of which target entity the influence area comes from and end up generating erroneous results as they are awarded wrong attributes in the influence areas - those attributes are further away than indicated as an influence area.

Dialog box of the application

Principal Component Analysis dialog box





How to know what type of algorithm use in advanced options? (optional modifier /ALGORITME=)

Go to general syntax for more information.