MiraMon Maps (MMM) are text files, with .mmm
extension, that describe groups groups of raster, vector, WMS layers, geodatabases, etc matched
in a specific way, that is, with an specific order of overlaying,
visualization (color, scale, etc) and printing characteristics,
etc. MiraMon Maps can be saved as templates to be used in a serial printing of documents. MMMs can host more than one raster of different formats such as IMG, combinations RGB, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, etc, as well as vectors of other formats (SHP, etc).
MiraMon Maps define graphics files to
be used and how to show them, but never contain the data, but the
reference to them (name of the layer, directory, UNC address, URL, etc) saving disc space and growing
internal data consistency.
MiraMon Maps are text files in INI format of
Windows, editable with any text processor (NOTEPAD, EDIT, etc) and
divided into sections. Each section has a different name, which
is enclosed in brackets. Sections must not be sorted, and it is not
compulsory that all sections exist in a MMM file.
Other characteristics of the MMM are:
- The property of being able to overlay the layers in any order regardless of whether they are raster, WMS or vector (key Orden=).
- The possibility of saving, via IP, access to ArcSDE servers with their layers and visualizations.
- The possibility of providing aliases to the sections (for example [VECTOR_COMARQUES], which are inherited when saving new maps.
The position of the application on the screen when opening the map.
In the current version of MiraMon, supported sections are:
- [VERSION] ->
Section describing the corresponding version, which starts with 2.0.
- [DOCUMENT] -> Section
describing general documentation for the map.
-> Section describing the horizontal reference system.
- [RASTER_RGB_#] -> Section
describing a single RGB (24-bit) combination.
- [RASTER_#] -> Section
describing a single raster IMG file (bit, byte, integer,
- [VECTOR_#] -> Section
describing a single vector file, either structured (PNT, NOD, ARC or
POL) or non-structured (VEC).
- [WMS_
#] - > Section describing a WMS layer coming from a server.
- [VISTA] -> Section indicating
map coordinates of the default view when the map is loaded.
Section describing printing configuration parameters.
- [LLEGENDA] -> Section
describing legend configuration parameters.
- [MARC_REF] -> Reference frame
for map printing, in paper units.
- [CAMP_MAPA] -> Parameters for
the map area to print (map face): coordinates, scale, etc.
describing the reference grid to plot.
Section describing the characteristics of the reference grid when
printing (ticks, texts, etc).
describing the characteristics of the coordinates printed on each map
- [CAIXETI_#] -> Section
describing a single map box, containing text, logos, etc.
- [TEXT_PEU] -> Section
indicating the caption for printing.
In the name of these sections, # is
the number indicating, from the bottom (1) to the top (n), how to overlay the
files. The series of the numbers must be complete: if a MiraMon Map
contains this series [1,2,3,5,6], the program will interpret the lack of
number 4 as 'no more files', ignoring files numbered with 5 and 6.
In MiraMon v. 1.0, only one RASTER_RGB or one RASTER file can be loaded, so
# always equals 1 and other values will be ignored.
Each section contains key names. Key
names are followed by an equal sign and a numeric value or a character
string. Key names allow defining color palettes, line widths, etc. Up to
now, main supported key names are:
In the
[VERSION] section:
- Vers: Corresponds to the version, which starts with the 2.
- SubVers: Corresponds to the subversion, which starts with 0.
- Variant: Corresponds to the variant, which starts with the a.
- Titol: Map title. It is a
description, up to 80 characters, to be used in the title bar of the application.
In the [VISTA] section:
- Orden: It allows to indicate the order of overlap of the layers, regardless of whether they are raster, WMS or vector type.
- MinX, MaxX, MinY y MaxY:
Scope of the view that is loaded by default, expressed in map coordinates.
In the [RASTER_RGB_#]
- FitxerR, FitxerG and
FitxerB: Path and name of the files to be shown as each R, G and B
component of a 24-bit composite.
- RExpContrastBaix,
RExpContrastAlt, GExpContrastBaix, GExpContrastAlt,
BExpContrastBaix and BExpContrastAlt: Level of saturation
in each histogram tail for each color component (R, G and B), expressed
in percentage.
- ExclZeroHisto: It indicates if
you wish to exclude the zero in the image enhancement processes (1) or
not (0).
- UnificVisCons: It indicates if
you wish to unify visible and consultable layer properties (1) or not
- Visualitzable: When UnificVisCons
equals 0, it indicates if you wish that the layer will be visible (1) or
not (0).
- Consultable: When UnificVisCons
equals 0, it indicates if you wish that the layer will be consultable
(1) or not (0).
- EscalaMaxima and
EscalaMinima: These two parameters say the largest scale (for ex.
1:5000) and the smallest scale (for ex. 1:250000) in which we wish to
display this file. When the scale is larger than EscalaMaxima (for ex.
1:500) or smaller than EscalaMinima (for ex. 1:1000000) the file will
not be shown. To display always, regardless of the scale, 0 and 9000000 must be indicated. The values refer to the denominator of the
- LlegSimb_Vers and
LlegSimb_SubVers: It indicates the version and subversion of the
MMM file relating to the legend.
- Legend symbolization aspects:
Moreover, there are some sections that allow controlling some legend
symbolization aspects. For more information, consult Legend control from MMM and REL
In the [RASTER_#]
- Fitxer: Path and name of the
raster (img, jpeg, jp2, j2c, sid extensions, etc) file to
- IdxBanda: Band that must be opened when loading the map, in cases like JPEG2000 multiband in which a certain part is opened in gray scale. The reference to the band within the multiband file is made from an index between 0 and n bands-1.
- Paleta: Path and name of the file
containing the color symbolization table. If no single
file is specified, it is assumed that a grey palette is desired.
- PaletExpContrastBaix and
PaletExpContrastAlt: Level of saturation in each histogram tail,
expressed in percentage.
- ExclZeroHisto: It indicates if
the zero in the image enhancement processes is desired (1) or
not (0).
- UnificVisCons: It indicates if
to unify visible and consultable layer properties is desired (1) or not
- Visualitzable: When UnificVisCons
equals 0, it indicates if the layer is desired to be visible (1) or not
- Consultable: When UnificVisCons
equals 0, it indicates if the layer is desired to be consultable (1) or not
- EscalaMaxima and
EscalaMinima:These two parameters say the largest scale (for ex.
1:5000) and the smallest scale (for ex. 1:250000) in which is wished to
display this file. When the scale is larger than EscalaMaxima (for ex.
1:500) or smaller than EscalaMinima (for ex. 1:1000000), the file will
not be shown. To display always, regardless of the scale, you should
indicate 0 and 9000000. The values refer to the denominator of the
- LlegSimb_Vers and
LlegSimb_SubVers: It indicates the symbolization version and
subversion of the MMM file relating to the legend.
- Legend symbolization aspects:
Moreover, there are some sections that allow controlling some legend
symbolization aspects. For more information, consult Legend control from MMM and REL
In the [VECTOR_#] sections:
- Fitxer: Name of the structured
(PNT, NOD, ARC or POL) or non-structured (VEC) file to show.
- Simb_Vers and
Simb_SubVers: It indicates the version and subversion of the MMM
file relating to the symbolization.
- UnificVisCons: It indicates if
visible and consultable layer properties is desired (1) or not
- Visualitzable: When UnificVisCons
equals 0, it indicates if the layer should be visible (1) or not
- Consultable: When UnificVisCons
equals 0, it indicates if the layer should be consultable (1) or not
- Copiable: It indicates if the layer should be copiable when digitizing (1) or not (0).
- Connectable: It indicates if the layer should be connectable when digitizing (1) or not (0).
EscalaMaxima and
EscalaMinima: These two parameters say the largest scale (for
ex. 1:5000) and the smallest scale (for ex. 1:250000) in which we wish
to display this file. When the scale is larger than EscalaMaxima (for
ex. 1:500) or smaller than EscalaMinima (for ex. 1:1000000) the file
will not be shown. To display always, regardless of the scale, you
should indicate 0 and 9000000. The values refer to the denominator of
the scale.
* If the file contains
- TextPunt: It indicates if texts with the points should be shown (1) or not (0).
- CampTextOQueIndexaColor: When
TextPunt equals 1, CampTextOQueIndexaColor indicates the field of the
database to be shown as text. This key name does not apply to VEC files
because they have a unique attribute.
- RadiConstant: It indicates if a constant radius for all points is desired (1) or not (0).
- RadiPnt: When RadiConstant equals
1, RadiPnt indicates the point radius, in pixel units.
- CampQueIndexaRadi: When
RadiConstant equals 0, CampQueIndexaRadi indicates which field of the
database indexes the radius. The number refers to the order of the field
in the DBF file, being 0 the first field. This key name does not apply
to VEC files because they have a unique attribute.
- RadiMin and RadiMax: When
RadiConstant equals 0, RadiMin and RadiMax indicate, in screen pixels,
the values to scale the radius present in the database.
- FontMM: When a constant
font is used, it indicates the font face, size, background color, escapement,
- NomSimbolConstant: It indicates
if symbols for the points are desired to be used (1) or not (0).
- FitxerSimbol: If
NomSimbolConstant equals 1 it indicates the path of the symbols
- UnitatsCostatSimbol: It indicates
the font size units. When it equals "0", it corresponds to
pixel units and when it equals "1" it corresponds to map units
- PosicioSimbol: It indicates the
symbol position. It might be in the centre (C), top right-hand corner
(NE), top left-hand corner (NW), bottom right-hand corner (SE) or bottom
left-hand corner (SW) from the inserting point.
- MidaSimbolConstant: It indicates
if the symbol size is constant (1) or not (0).
- MidaSimbol: When
MidaSimbolConstant equals 1, it indicates the symbol size.
- MidaSimbols_CampQueIndexaMidaSimbol: When MidaSimbolConstant
equals 0, it indicates which field of the database indexes the symbol
- RadiMinSimbol and
RadiMaxSimbol: It indicates the minimum and maximum radius to
scale the symbol size.
- RadiMinSimbolUnitatsBaseDades and
RadiMaxSimbolUnitatsBaseDades: It indicates the minimum and
maximum value of the field database chosen to scale the symbol
* If the file contains
- NodeFinal, NodeAnell,
NodeLinia and NodeNormal: It indicates which node types
(final, ring, line and typical) to show (1) or to hide (0).
- RadiPnt: Point (node) radius, in
pixel units.
- TextPunt: It indicates if texts with the nodes are desired to be shown (1) or not (0).
CampTextOQueIndexaColor: When
TextPunt equals 1, CampTextOQueIndexaColor indicates the field of the
PRINCIPAL database to be shown as text. The number refers to the order
of the field in the DBF file, being 0 the first field.
* If the file contains ARCS or
- ColorConstant_L: It indicates if
a constant color for all lines is desired (1) or not (0).
- ColorLinia: When ColorConstant_L
equals 1, ColorLinia indicates the color of the line. For example:
255,0,0 (red), 0,0,0 (black), etc.
- Color_TractamentVariable: When
ColorConstant_L equals 0, Color_TractamentVariable indicates if the
treatment of the variable is categorical or quantitative.
- Color_QueFerQuanForaDeRangONoATaulaSMB: It indicates which
object symbolization is desired when it is not shown into the database
symbolization table. Between any symbolization (1), using
NODATA (2) or using the value indicated in MiraMon.par
file(3) can be chosen.
- Color_AvisarForaDeRangONoATaulaSMB: It allows to activate a
warning when the object would not be shown into the symbolization table
(1) or not (0).
- Color_IgnoraRegistreoCampColorBuits: It indicates which
object symbolization is desired when the field of the database is empty or
without registration. Between any symbolization (1),
using NODATA (2) or using the value indicated in MiraMon.par file
(0) can be chosen.
- Color_Paleta: When ColorConstant_L
equals 0, Paleta indicates the path and name of the file containing the
color symbolization table. If not a single file is specified, it is assumed
that a grey palette is desired.
- Color_N_SimbolsALaTaula: When
ColorConstant_L equals 0, Color_N_SimbolsALaTaula indicates how many
symbols are used to represent objects.
- Color_EscalatColor: When
ColorConstant_L equals 0, Color_EscalatColor indicates the assignement
from the field rang into the database to values: direct assignement
(AssigDirecta), direct assignment with offset (DespOrigen), lineal
stretch (lineal) or logarithmic stretch (log_10).
- Color_CampTextOQueIndexaColor:
When ColorConstant_L equals 1, CampTextOQueIndexaColor indicates which
field of the database indexes the color. The number refers to the order
of the field in the DBF file, being 0 the first field. This key name
does not apply to VEC files because they have a unique attribute per
graphic object and this one acts as color index (unless, of course, you
indicated ColorCostant_L=1).
- Color_ValorColor_0 and
Color_ValorColor_n_1: When ColorConstant_L equals 0, these key
names indicate the minimum and maximum values to consider in order to
scale and index the palette colors. This is useful, for example, when
simultaneously contour lines of several topographic sheets are drawn:
Imagine that, in one sheet, heights range from 50 to 300 m, while in an
adjacent sheet they range from 100 to 450 m; in this case, the right
color matching between sheets is obtained indicating, on each sheet
ValorColor_0=50 and ValorColor_n_1=450.
- TipusLinia: It indicates the
desired line type: 0 (solid), 1 (dashed), 2 (dotted), 3 (alternating
dashes and dots), 4 (alternating dashes and double dots).
- UnitatsGruix_L: It indicates in
which units are line widths expressed: 0 (pixels), 1 (map
- GruixConstant_L: It indicates if a constant width for all lines is desired (1) or not (0).
- GruixLinia: When GruixConstant_L
equals 1, GruixLinia indicates which is the width to show lines with. If
UnitatsGruix_L equals 1 (map units), GruixLinia can be a real
- CampQueIndexaGruix: When
GruixConstant_L equals 0, CampQueIndexaGruix indicates which field of
the database indexes the width. The number refers to the order of the
field in the DBF file, being 0 the first field. This key name does not
apply to VEC files because they have a unique attribute per graphic
object and this one acts as width index (unless, of course, you
indicated GruixCostant_L=1).
- Gruixos_TractamentVariable: When
GruixConstant_L equals 0, Gruixos_TractamentVariable indicates if the
treatment of the variable is categorical or quantitative.
- Gruixos_QueFerQuanForaDeRangONoATaulaSMB: It indicates which
object symbolization is desired when it is not shown into the database
symbolization table. Between any symbolization (1), using
NODATA (2) or using the value indicated in MiraMon.par file
(3) can be chosen.
- Gruixos_AvisarForaDeRangONoATaulaSMB: It allows to activate a
warning when the object would not be shown into the symbolization table
(1) or not (0).
- Gruixos_IgnoraRegistreoCampColorBuits: It indicates which
object symbolization is desired when the field of the database is empty or
without registration. Between any symbolization (1),
using NODATA (2) or using the value indicated in MiraMon.par file
(0) can be chosen.
- Gruixos_CampTextOQueIndexaColor:
When GruixConstant_L equals 1, Gruixos_CampTextOQueIndexaColor indicates
which field of the database indexes the color. The number refers to the
order of the field in the DBF file, being 0 the first field. This key
name does not apply to VEC files because they have a unique attribute
per graphic object and this one acts as color index (unless, of course,
you indicated GruixCostant_L=1).
- Gruixos_EscalatColor: When
GruixConstant_L equals 0, Gruixos_EscalatColor indicates the assignement
from the field rang into de database values: direct assignement
(AssigDirecta), direct assignment with offset (DespOrigen), lineal
stretch (lineal) or logarithmic stretch (log_10).
- Gruixos_ValorColor_0 and
Gruixos_ValorColor_n_1: When GruixConstant_L equals 0, these key
names indicate the minimum and maximum values to consider in order to
scale and index the width.
* If the file contains
- PintarInteriorPOL: It indicates
if filling polygons is desired (1) or not (0).
- ColorConstant_L,
ColorVores_Paleta, ColorVores_CampTextOQueIndexaColor, etc
(including width edges): The same meaning as in ARCS and
- ColorConstant_P: It indicates if
you want a constant color for all polygons (1) or not (0).
- ColorPoligon: When
ColorConstant_P equals 1, ColorPoligon indicates which RGB color should
be used to fill the polygon, for example: 255,0,0 (red), 0,0,0 (black),
- Color_TractamentVariable,
Color_IgnoraRegistreoCampColorBuits, Color_Paleta,
Color_CampTextOQueIndexaColor, etc: The same meaning as in ARCS
and LINES but used to fill the polygon.
In the [WMS_#] sections:
- WMSRequest_Vers: Version of the WMS server that serves the data.
- WMSRequest_SubVers: Subversion of the WMS server that serves the data.
- WMSRequest_variant: Variation of the subversion of the WMS server that serves the data.
- CRS: Data projection system following the EPSG code (for example EPSG: 23031 for UTM 31N)
- Name: The code of the name of the layer.
- Format: Raster format of the data (typically jpeg, gif, png)
- Semitransparent: Indicates whether the layer supports visualization in semitransparency (1) or not (0).
- Opac: Indicates if it is desired to show the opaque layer in the NODATA (1) or not (0).
- Style: Indicates the type of display style predefined by the server (typically default).
- TipusOriginal: A layer can be visible between two scales (maximum and minimum scale). In WMS, depending on the versions, this range is defined according to the scale or pixel side. The TipusOriginal key defines which of these two types is originally on the server with the requested version. TipusOriginal=1 (Pixel side) or 2 (scale denominator). As indicated 1 or 2 the following keys will be available:
- Si TIPUS_DENOMINADOR_ESCALA: EscalaMaxima (maximum scale) and EscalaMinima (minimum scale)
- Si TIPUS_COSTAT_PIXEL: CostatMinimUsuari (minimum user pixel side) and CostatMaximUsuari (maximum user pixel side)
- Fitxer: URL of the server (for example:
- Simb_Vers y Simb_Subvers: Section that describes the version and subversion of the MMM file in terms of symbolization.
- UnificVisCons: Indicates if to unify that the layer is visible and consultable is desired (1) or not (0).
- Visualizable: It allows to indicate if the layer can be
visible (1) or not (0).
- Consultable: It allows to indicate if the layer can be
consultable (1) or not (0).
- Copiable: It allows to indicate if the layer can be
copied (1) or not (0) when digitizing.
- Conectable: It allows to indicate if the layer can be
connectable (1) or not (0) when digitizing.
- EscalaMaxima and EscalaMinima: These two parameters indicate the largest scale (for example 1: 5000) and smallest (for example 1: 250000) in which we want to visualize the file when TipusOriginal=2. The values always refer to the denominator of the scale.
- CostatMinimUsuari and CostatMaximUsuari: These two parameters indicate the minimum and maximum pixel side in which it is desired to visualize the file when TipusOriginal=1.
- FormatConsLoc: It allows to indicate the format of the query by location of the WMS layer (text / plain, text / html, text / xml, etc).
In the [VISTA GENERAL] section:
- esq, sup, ample i alt: Allows the specification of the position and size of the MiraMon window on the screen. The keys of the position "esq" (left) and "sup" (up) of the window are given in screen pixels assuming origin (0,0). The keys of the measure "ample" (width) and "alt" (height) are given in screen pixels.
- VullImprMapa: It indicates if printing the map is desired (1) or not (0).
- XPaper_mm and YPaper_mm:
It indicates the paper size (in mm), both width and height.
- OrigenXAreaImprimible_mm and
OrigenYAreaImprimible_mm: It indicates the beginning reference
frame of the printing area, in mm, both in X and Y, from the bottom
left-hand corner.
- XAreaImprimible_mm and
YAreaImprimible_mm: It indicates the reference frame of the
printing area, in mm, both in X and Y.
- DeviceName: It indicates the
printer name used to configure the printing.
- VullImprLlegenda: It indicates if
printing the legend is desired (1) or not (0).
- VullImprLlegendaCaixetins: It
indicates if printing de boxes is desired (1) or not (0).
In the [LLEGENDA] section:
- MostrarLlegenda: It indicates if showing the legend on the map is desired (1) or not (0).
- PosicioDimensioLlegenda: It
indicates the location and scope of the legend on the map.
- CoordMap: It indicates location
and dimensions of the reference frame expressed in map coordinates (1)
or not (0, paper coordinates, in mm).
- MinX, MinY, Ample
and Alt: Coordinates of the reference frame of the legend,
expressed in the units fixed by CoordMap.
- GruixMarc: It indicates the frame
width on the map.
- FontHeight, FontWeight,
etc: Characteristics of the font to be used. See below for key names and
- RectangleOpac: It allows to show
an opaque background legend (1) or not (0).
- ColorFons: When RectangleOpac
equals 1, it allows to show the color of the legend
In the [MARC_REF] section:
- MinX, MinY, Ample
and Alt: Paper coordinates for the map reference frame (lower
left origin); 'Ample' means width, and 'Alt' means
- GruixMarc: Frame width of the map
reference frame, in mm.
In the [CAMP_MAPA]
- MinX, MaxX, MinY
and MaxY: Coordinates of the map face to print, in map
- Escala: Scale to use when
- GruixMarc: Frame width of the map
face, in mm.
- VullXarxaReferencia:
- EspaiatXarxa: Grid spacing, in
reference system units.
- Dsp_X_EspaiatXarxa:
- GruixEnImprimir: =0.1
- ColorXarxaReferencia:=(0,0,0)
- DivisorCoordMarcaXarxaRef:
Divisor of the coordinates of the reference grid ticks.
- DecimalCoordMarcaXarxaRef:
Decimal places to print in the coordinates of the reference grid
- XSup, YEsq, YDrt
and XInf: Sides of the map face where we wish to print reference
grid coordinates and ticks. 'Sup' means upper, 'Inf'
means lower, 'Esq' means left and 'Drt' means right. 1
indicates print, and 0 not to print.
- FontHeight, FontWeight,
etc: Characteristics of the font to be used. See below for key names and
- DivisorCoordMarcaXarxaRef:
Divisor of the coordinates.
- DecimalCoordMarcaXarxaRef:
Decimal places.
- XminSup, XmaxSup,
YmaxEsq, YmaxDrt, YminEsq, YminDrt,
XminInf and XmaxInf: Corners of the map face where we wish
to print the coordinates. 'Sup' means upper, 'Inf' means
lower, 'Esq' means left and 'Drt' means right. 1
indicates print, and 0 not to print.
- FontHeight, FontWeight,
etc: Characteristics of the font to be used. See below for key names and
In the [CAIXETI_#] section:
- Name: It indicates the name done
to the box.
- CoordMap: It indicates if location and dimensions of the box expressed in map coordinates is desired (1)
or not (0, paper coordinates, in mm).
- MinX, MinY, Ample
and Alt: Coordinates for the map box reference frame, in CoordMap
units; 'Ample' means width, and 'Alt' means
- GruixMarc: Frame width of the box
reference frame, in mm.
- ContingutCaixeti: Box contents:
0-> empty; 1-> own text; 2-> text read from a plain text file;
3->WMF; 4-> EMF; 5-> graphic scale.
- DistanciaTextAMarc: It indicates
the distance between the box reference frame and the beginning of the
text, expressed in CoordMap units, when ContingutCaixeti equals 1 or
- RectangleOpac: It indicates if
the background of the box is desired opaque (1) or not (0).
- ColorFons: When RectangleOpac
equals 1, ColorFons allows you to choose the background box
- LiniaTextCaixeti_#: Map box text
lines. Substitute the numeration (from 1) for '#' (only if
ContingutCaixeti is 1).
- Fitxer: File to use (only if
ContingutCaixeti is 2, 3 or 4).
- MFManteRatioXY: It indicates if
keeping the X/Y aspect ratio of the metafile is desired (1) or not (0)
(only if ContingutCaixeti is 3 or 4).
- FontHeight, FontWeight,
etc: Characteristics of the font to be used (only if ContingutCaixeti is
1 or 2). See below for key names and meaning.
In the [TEXT_PEU]
- LiniaTextPeu_#: Caption text
lines when the map is printed. Substitute the numeration (from 1) for
In all key names indicating file names,
MiraMon allows absolute expressions like C:\PALET\COLOR.P25, or
expressions relatives to the path of the MMM file, as COLOR.P25 or
Fonts are described through the
following key names:
- FontHeight: Height of the font,
in usual computer typographic units, except for map boxes where you set
dimensions in map units; in this case the height of the font is also in
map units (for example, we will indicate a font height of 1000 m if we
want it to be 1 km height at the map scale); when font heights are
expressed in map units, changing the map scale also changes the font
height to preserve the same aspect at the new scale. It is important to
note that it is only true in MMM files: the standard Windows dialog box
for fonts will always show the height converted to typographic units for
the currently applying scale.
- FontWeight: Weight of the font,
in usual computer typographic units. 0 or 400 indicates normal, 700
bold, etc.
- FontItalic: 1 indicates italics,
0 normal.
- FontUnderline: 1 indicates
underline, 0 normal.
- FontStrikeOut: 1 indicates
strikeout, 0 normal.
- FontFaceName: Arial, Times New
Roman, ...
- FontrgbColors. Desired RGB color
of the font: 255,0,0 (red), 0,0,0 (black), etc.
In addition, it is also possible to give aliases to the sections (for example [VECTOR_COMARQUES]), which are inherited when saving new maps.
A map example can be consulted here, using a WMS layer and a vector layer.
An MMZ map is a binary file, with MMZ extension, that contains all the raster, vector, database information, etc. (files of almost any type) associated with an MMM, in a single highly compressed document with a zip algorithm and decompressible automatically with a single click on the file. The compressed file contains a specific header format including some metadata of the original files. In the case of compression of maps in MMZ files, the inclusion of accessory files (world files, etc), formats such as SHP, JPEG and JPEG2000, TIFF, etc files is correctly supported. The specification of the ArcSDE layers is done in the same way as for the vectors but indicating the server and other access parameters.
This compression format was originally intended for the compression of MiraMon maps. The idea is complemented with software capable of reading all the hyperlinks present in the different pieces of information related to a particular map and creating a list of dependencies. Once the list is created, the files are read, the relations between them are arranged so that they are compatible with a single storage distribution and finally they are compressed and stored in the MMZ file. In addition, it is possible to carry out a certification process that consists of some encrypted files with author information. By reading these files, the reader software can guarantee not only the integrity of the original parts of the files but also give credit to the author of the data.
From the user's perspective, once the MMZ map reader is installed on the computer, the MMZ map is opened with a single click and gives immediate access to the same data that the producer creates. In addition, the information included can be extracted and added to other GIS data for professional and analytical work with geographic information tools.
For more information about the MMZ Compressor and decompressor of MiraMon files can be consulted.
An MMZX map is a standardized file to distribute a geospatial information package consisting of several files, called "parts", in a single file, with extension .mmzx. This format is based on the strategy used in MMZ maps, but instead of using a "proprietary" format, it is based on the ISO 19165: 2018 Geographic Information Preservation specification (data and metadata), and it uses an open format that follows the Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) standard documented in ISO 29500-2 and ECMA -376 and that is based on the ZIP format with a set of extensions. Sometimes this standard is also called Office Open XML (OOXML). The standard is used by Microsoft Office version 2007 and higher of Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), and PowerPoint (.pptx) as well as other products such as XPS (.xps), Autodesk AutoCAD (.dwfx), etc.
In the implementation of the MMZX some additional extensions are incorporated to accommodate some intrinsic requirements of the geospatial information. To generate MMZX maps, a generator capable of understanding the original formats involved in the geospatial information package and, particularly, those that contain the relationships and links to other contents (such as the MMZ.exe application distributed with MiraMon) is required. The generator receives one or more file names that are points of entry to other files (usually a map) and, following the links, compiles a list of the parts that will be packaged in the OPC file. Before compressing each file with links, the generator replaces the original paths with an equivalent path relative to the parts.
By doing this, the resulting package does not require any path modifications during extraction and, therefore, can be decompressed with a zip decompression (such as PKZIP for Windows, or WinRAR or converted into a compressed Windows folder, only changed the extension to .zip) and use its parts. Since the MMZ format required a path revision process also in the decompression phase, an MMZX file is decompressed and displayed faster than its predecessor. To comply with the OPC standard, the MMZX adds a file [Content_Types] .xml, and some .rel files with lists of standardized relationships. Additionally, the MMZX generator adds a package metadata file and a thumbnail map that can be displayed directly by the Windows folders (when the Office 12 or higher package has been installed).
The objective of this format is, therefore, to include in the geospatial information package the original parts with a minimum transformation and retaining the original format. This makes it better than the GeoPackage format in some aspects (approved by the OGC in 2014) which requires transforming all data into a table format and that does not support symbolization, topology or other important aspects.
An interesting advantage of the OPC files is its ability to expose the relationships of the parts in a standardized way, without reading the internal data but only following the .rel files. Thus, it is possible to use a universal OPC file reader, such as the Package Explorer (https://packageexplorer.codeplex.com/) or the Chrome OOXML viewer, to see the structure and relationships of the parts that make up an MMZX. In the future, applications may select to work with a fragment of the contents of a package without the need to decompress / download the entire set. This property introduces the possibility of dividing packets into fragments that maintain their relationships between them by using the ability to link a part of a packet with another part of another packet using the "#" character to concatenate the destination file path with the name of the party, as explained above. It will also be possible to combine several packages in a single package without having to compress and decompress all the parties involved.
In addition, the MMZ.exe application is expected to support creating files containing more than one input map in different formats and, in this case, the applications or users will be able to choose which map or format they want to prioritize and thus be able to open the MMZX in systems not MiraMon. For example, the MMZX could have an OWS Context file (an OGC standard approved in 2014 (https://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/owc)) as one of the entry points to an MMZX file.
For more information about MMZX Pons X, Masó J (2016) A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata. Computers & Geosciences 97: 89-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2016.09.001 can be consulted.
MiraMon allows saving a
Map as a MiraMon template.
MiraMon templates are text files in Windows INI format, that can be edited
with any text processor (NOTEPAD, EDIT, etc), in the same way as Maps.
MiraMon templates files contains the [CONFIGURACIO_IMPRESSIO] section with the key
names that define printing parameters configuration. Moreover, in a
MiraMon template you can save the legend reference frame and font (section
[LLEGENDA]), the printing reference frame
(section [MARC_REF]) and the box reference
frame (sections [CAIXETI_#]). So MiraMon
templates are the framework to be used in new Map compositions.