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MiraMon symbolization

General concepts of MiraMon symbolization Symbolization tables in MiraMon
MiraMon symbolization videotutorials

General concepts of MiraMon symbolization

MiraMon allows a wide range of symbolization (colors, hatching and patterns for polygons, sophisticated fonts for texts, point symbols, semitransparencies, etc) as well as visualization of layer in the legend (how many of these symbols are displayed in the legend and how they do it).

The symbolization is made from a symbolization table (of colors, of hatches, fonts and icons), where it is defined, for a certain number of entries (records), the symbolization (the color, the hatch, etc) associated to each one of them.

Prior to the description of each symbolization table, it is necessary to understand some key concepts about the symbolization:

1. Format and content of MiraMon symbolization tables

1.1 Format of symbolization tables

The symbolization tables can be integrated into the relational schema of alphanumeric tables associated with the objects of the layer or they can also be isolated tables. In all cases they are supported in DBF format or in any format accessible via ODBC (Access MDB, Oracle, etc); in this last case, they can be physical tables, predefined views or dynamically constructed SQL queries.

The fields accepted by the MiraMon tables can be character, numerical, date and logical type:

  • Fields of character type or "C" may contain strings of characters such as "Barcelona", "Sant Pol de Mar", "273" or "34.5". They could also contain expressions that must be evaluated. At the moment the supported expressions are of xpath type, like xpath("http://www.meteo.cat/servmet/opendata/ctermini_comarcal.xml","/smc/prediccio[0]/variable[0]/@data"). This is achieved by indicating in the GeM+ that the field belongs to this type by activating the "Is expression" checkbox.

    All the properties shown by the field (description, units, etc) actually refer to the result of the expression once evaluated, not to the expression text itself, except for the name of the field.

  • Fields of numerical type or "N" can contain integer or real numerical values of practically any precision, such as 2004 or 3.14159265 (integers between 1 and 32 bits, reals of simple and double precision).
  • Fields of data type or "D" can contain a date expression, such as 4-08-2024.
  • Fields of logic type or "L" can contain a true or a false value.

This denomination must be understood as generic, not linked to any specific format (DBF, MDB, Oracle, etc) and without prejudice to the limitations of certain database formats (for example, logical fields do not exist as such in certain managers).

In general terms, character and logic fields type are used to express categorical variables and fields of numerical and date type are used to express continuous and ordinal quantitative variables. However, a field of numerical type and date can also be treated categorically if it is explicitly documented in the metadata file as a categorical type or the treatment in the layer display options has been modified, for example, that a numerical value 123 is interpreted as a text "123". Likewise, a field of categorical type can be treated as numerical if it is explicitly documented in the metadata file as continuous quantitative type or ordinal type (or by modifying the radial buttons of the layer treatment), with the purpose, for example, that the text "123" be interpreted as a numerical value. However, these cases, are not usual.

If it is wanted to optimize the opening of databases containing large DBF tables, it is recommended to have them in the ANSI character set and not in OEM in order to not to have to make translations during the symbolization operations in which type 'C' fields are involved.

1.2 Content of symbolization tables

Symbolization tables contain several fields, some common to all symbolization tables and others that are specific depending on the corresponding symbolization (color, fonts, etc).

Common fields for each type of symbolization:

  • CLAUSIMBOL: corresponds to the value to be used as the identifying key of the symbolization which can be of the same type as the field indicated by the symbolization, that is, it can be a numerical field, but also a categorical field or date if appropriate. There is also the possibility of CLAUSIMBOL being a pair of fields [MIN_SIMBOL, MAX_SIMBOL], always of numerical type. As an exception, and for compatibility with previous versions of MiraMon, the field CLAUSIMBOL can be called NOM_SIMBOL in the symbolization tables referring to icons, although it is recommended to leave this denomination. The maximum width of the CLAUSIMBOL field (or NOM_SIMBOL in old nomenclature) of point symbology tables is 100 characters. Additionally, a warning is added if a table exceeds this limit. If this limit is needed to be extended, write to suport@miramon.uab.cat.
  • DESCRIPCIO: corresponds to the field that contains the description of that symbol (which will typically be shown in the legend). The description field is of categorical type. The description field, however, may belong to the table containing the field indicating the symbolization, instead of belonging to the symbolization table. However, to simplify the explanation, in this example the field DESCRIPTION belongs to the symbolization table. For example, it is wanted to color the municipalities of a map according to the region to which they belong and, as a description, the name of the region. In this case, the field indicating the symbolization (CLAUSIMBOL) can be CODI_COMARCAL and the field that indicates the description (DESCRIPCIO) can be NOM_COMARCA, field that belongs to the same table as CODI_COMARCAL, instead of a specific field DESCRIPCIO of the symbolization table. Even so, the most usual and natural solution would be to symbolize directly by the field NOM_COMARCA.

Specific fields for each type of symbolization:

  • R_COLOR, G_COLOR and B_COLOR: the color symbolization tables (color of the interior of polygons, color of lines, etc) define the color from these three fields, one for each RGB component, which contain numerical values between 0 and 255.
  • R_TRAMA, G_TRAMA and B_TRAMA: the hatches symbolization tables are analogous to the previous case, with the three RGB fields of numerical values comprised between 0 and 255. The denomination R_COLOR, G_COLOR and B_COLOR referring to the colour of the hatch is also accepted.
  • TIPUSTRAMA: the hatches symbolization tables contain a field that defines the different types of hatch which contains values of categorical type ("I", "-", "+", etc, are used).
  • FI_ICONA: the icons symbolization tables contain this field, which is categorical and defines the location of the images used as icons. As an exception, and for compatibility with previous versions of MiraMon, this field can also be called FI_SIMBOL in the symbolization tables referring to icons, although it is recommended to avoid this denomination.
  • FI_MOSTRA: in the icons symbolization tables, if the desired icons are different from the icons contained in MiraMon (typical in shaded maps), the field FI_MOSTRA, of categorical type, defines the location of the sample files. When a record in this field contains the special value "*" it indicates that it is wanted to use, for that record, the standard symbol in the symbol table.
  • FONT: the fonts symbolization tables have a categorical field for the complete description of a font (type, color, size and units, halo and its color, inclination, etc).
  • FONT, FONT_ENTIT, TEXT_FONT and DESCRIPCIO: the fonts symbolization tables that describe the texts in a layer of points are defined from these fields. FONT and FONT_ENTIT are 'C' type fields that describe all aspects of the font visualization. FONT is used to define symbolizations at the object type level and FONT_ENTIT is used to define symbolizations at the point entity level. TEXT_FONT is a 'C' type field used to exemplify the type of font in the legend. For example, a "TEXT_FONT" such as "Rome" would be written with the corresponding font to the FONT field of the same record and next to it would read, with the normal font of the legend, the description "City of more than one million inhabitants" located in the field DESCRIPTION. Below is an example of the appearance of a font symbolization table:

/NArial/H20/B Barcelona Cities with more than one million inhabitants
/NArial/H12/C255,0,0 Sant Cugat Cities of more than ninety thousand inhabitants
/NTimes/H8 Balsareny Towns and small towns

  • This table will generate a legend that looks like:

  • LIN_COMBIN: is used in symbolization tables for combined symbolization lines. The model allows, although usually it will not be necessary, to define in a single layer lines with independent properties with respect to the common properties of the combined symbolization lines: for example having lines with thicknesses in map units and connection style between mixed bevel segments with lines with thicknesses in pixels and round connections between segments. In this case, the key LinCombin= in the REL file must be defined as PerObjecte (LinCombin=PerObjecte, that means "by object") so that, MiraMon considers that the combined symbolization is indicated by a field of the database, which points to a line symbolization table of combined symbolization, which will have the traditional field CLAUSIMBOL and the field LIN_COMBIN (which will contain the chain of the format of the combined symbolization line).
  • FI_PATRO: the pattern symbolization tables contain this field, which is categorical and defines the location of the pattern files used to fill polygons.

Specific information about the symbolization of color, hatches, fonts, etc, can be found in MiraMon symbolization tables.

2. Symbolization typology: constant for the whole layer or indicated according to a field of the database

In MiraMon, each type of symbolization (color, hatch type, hatch color, etc) can be constant for the whole layer (that is, a single symbol -color, hatch, etc- for the entire layer), or it can be variable depending on a field of the database (any field of any table in the database). The following figure shows, in the upper part, a map in which the symbolization of color is constant for all the variables (main roads) and, in the lower part, the same map with the color symbolization indicated in function of the field "type of road". Thus, in the first case all roads appear in the same color (blue) while in the second case, each road (type of road) is assigned with a different color.

In the symbolization indicated by a field of the database, MiraMon considers two cases according to the type of information treatment of the field that indicates the symbolization:

2.1 Symbolization indicated by a CATEGORICAL type field of the database

a) New symbolization table

If a new table is chosen, the program will create a new table in memory with the appropriate viewing conditions (remember that this table can be saved at any time through the menu "File | Save palette or symbolization table", and the linking with the REL file can be saved with the "Save ..." button present in the dialog boxes where the display conditions are established).

The table presents the fields defined in the format section of the symbolization tables (CLAUSIMBOL, DESCRIPTION and the field or fields that describe the symbolization, such as R_COLOR, G_COLOR, B_COLOR). The CLAUSIMBOL field is, in this case, categorical type and contains the projection of the field that indicates the symbolization. Therefore, the new table will have as many records as this projection.

Since the field indicated by the symbolization is categorical, the field or fields that describe the symbolization will be filled with different values (for example, different values of hatches, such as "I", "-", etc). If the number of different symbols is insufficient for the number of records of the projection, the symbols will be repeated (for example, if the field is the name of the more than 900 municipalities in Catalonia and the type of symbolization is hatch type, the different types of hatch available will be assigned in a rotator way to the different municipalities).

If the field indicating the symbolization contains NoData values, the field or fields that describe the symbolization will be assigned with the default type indicated in the MiraMon.par file and in the field CLAUSIMBOL the special literal "%NODATA%" will be indicated. If it is wanted to modify these associations later, remember that leaving the contents of the field or the symbolization fields blank implies not drawing the object (leaving the polygon transparent, leaving the line invisible, not drawing the symbol of a point, etc). Thus, the use of empty (or completely blank) strings can be used to indicate that the category should not be visible in the legend if the corresponding option is activated in the dialog box "Visualization of the LAYER/SERIES in the legend".

If the new table, created automatically, has been modified (for example by changing a color of those automatically proposed by MiraMon), it will be warned, before closing the layer, of the convenience of saving the table and saving the link via the REL file corresponding to the layer and/or via the possible MiraMon Map (MMM) generated.

b) Pre-existing symbolization table

If a preexisting symbolization table is chosen, the program examines the fields in the table and follows the following logic:

  • If the table is not suitable for the type of symbolization that is being executed (for example, if it is wanted to symbolize colors and a font table is selected, and instead of having the R_COLOR fields, etc, it contains the FONT field), an error message will be shown and the selection must be done again. In order not to confuse the different symbolization tables it is important to have each type in a different directory and, at least, with file names that indicate what type of symbology each one contains.
  • If CLAUSIMBOL is a numerical type field (and is not treated categorically), the symbolization table is considered not suitable and the procedure is as in the previous case.
  • If CLAUSIMBOL is a categorical type field, a direct association will be made by comparison of the character strings (if the field is numerical type or date, treated in a categorical way, the numerical values are compared in text format). The "Advanced..." button allows access to the categorical symbolization dialog box from which several association conditions can be modified.
  • The association options that can be chosen in this dialog box are the number of symbols to be represented and the symbol to be used (for example the color of each category). If the symbolization table is modified, remember that pressing the "Save ..." button will preserve the changes. If the "Special cases" button is pressed, the handling of some specific cases of symbolization can be chosen.

    When the field indicating the symbolization contains a value that is not found in the symbolization table, by default, MiraMon assigns the symbolization indicated in the MiraMon.par file in the "ColorObjectesSenseAtribut" key, such as, for example, black color association (0,0,0). However, this option can be modified, choosing not to assign symbolization so that the polygon will be transparent, or to assign the symbolization as NoData, with the activation of the warning in case of occurrence if desired.

    A different case is when the field indicating the symbolization is empty or contains no record. In this case, by default MiraMon applies the NoData value from the symbolization table. However, it can also be modified, by not assigning any symbolization (transparent polygon) or by assigning the value indicated in the "ColorObjectsSenseAttribute" key of MiraMon.par.

  • If CLAUSIMBOL is a numerical type field, the link between the corresponding record of the symbolization table and the character string of the field indicating the symbolization is made differently according to whether the field is logical, character or date, or numerical (all of them treated categorically):
    • If the field indicating symbolization is logical, the TRUE values are considered 1 and the FALSE 0.
    • If the field indicating symbolization is of characters or date, each string of characters is converted into a numerical value in the interval [0,255]. This conversion is constant, that is, the same string of characters always gives the same numerical value, so that the symbol assignation remains unchanged even if the layer is enriched with new elements or if the chains of other records of the same field are changed.
    • If the field is a numerical type, the numerical value of the field is used.

    In these cases, although CLAUSIMBOL is numerical, the values are treated categorically, so that MiraMon does not support using symbology tables with fields [MIN_SIMBOL, MAX_SIMBOL) that define the assignation interval.

    Once the conversion of the string to a numerical value has been made, the link between the two tables is made by direct assignation by default. Even so, through the "Advanced ..." button the access to the Categorical Symbolization dialog box from which some assignation conditions explained above can be modified.

    Remember that if the adopted table is modified in the MiraMon session (for example by changing a color), the program will advise of the convenience of saving the table before closing the layer, and of saving the link via the REL file corresponding to the layer .

2.2 Symbolization indicated by a field of the database of CONTINUOUS or ORDINAL QUANTITATIVE type

a) New symbolization table

If defining a new table is chosen, the program will create in memory a new table with the appropriate visualization conditions (remember that this table can be saved at any time through the menu "File | Save palette or symbolization table", and the linking with the REL file can be saved with the "Save ..." button present in the dialog boxes where the display conditions are established).

The table shows the fields defined in the format section of the symbolization tables (CLAUSIMBOL, DESCRIPCIO and the field or fields that describe the symbolization, such as R_COLOR, G_COLOR, B_COLOR). The CLAUSIMBOL field is, in this case, numerical type and contains the projection of the field that indicates the symbolization. Therefore, the new table will have as many records as this projection.

To know if the field that indicates the symbolization contains an ordinal type variable or a continuous quantitative type, MiraMon consults the metadata of the field. In case it is not indicated, by default it is offered the one that seems most likely according to the number of different values that appear in the field and the type of numerical values (for example, the presence of real values seems to indicate that it is a field of continuous quantitative type).

MiraMon shows the real number of different values that exist in the field that indicates the symbolization and allows to indicate the number of desired values. It also allows the user to choose between defining classes based on user-defined intervals or based on automatic numerical assignation (direct correspondence, linear stretch, logarithmic stretch, etc).

In the case of choosing By user defined intervals assignation, the corresponding button allows to specify these intervals. By default, intervals based on a linear scaling between values are made. However, these intervals can be modified. The new defined intervals are saved in the MIN_SIMBOL and MAX_SIMBOL fields of the created table.

On the assumption that Numerical automatic assignation is chosen, by default direct assignation is applied if possible (that is, when the number and range of values requested is equal to that of symbols); If this is not possible, displacement is applied and if this is not possible, linear stretch is applied.

Whether if interval or automatic assignation is chosen, the symbolization is done, if possible (color, size, etc) in a graduated style. This graduation can be modified by pressing the button of each value.

For the treatment of values without record, consult the given indications for NoData explained in the case of fields with categorical variables.

If the new table, created automatically, has been modified (for example by changing a color of those automatically proposed by MiraMon), it will be warned before closing the layer. This is why is recommended saving the table and the link corresponding to the layer via REL file and/or via the possible MiraMon Map (MMM) generated.

b) Pre-existing symbolization table

If a preexisting symbolization table is chosen, the program examines the fields in the table and follows the following logic:

  • If the table is not appropriate for the type of symbolization that is being done, or if the CLAUSIMBOL field is of categorical type, an error message is displayed and it is allowed to choose again (analogous to the case already explained of categorical variables).
  • If the CLAUSIMBOL field is numerical, the options explained in the case of the new symbolization table are applied. Even so, it is also possible to modify the same options as in the case of creating a new table.
  • If there are the fields [MIN_SIMBOL, MAX_SIMBOL) instead of CLAUSIMBOL field, the commented options are applied in the interval assignation.

Remember that if the adopted table is modified during the MiraMon session, the program will inform of the convenience of saving the table before closing the layer and saving the linkage corresponding to the layer via REL file.

3. Symbolization in the layer and symbolization in the legend

The number of symbols used to display a layer does not have to match the number of symbols to be displayed in the legend. When a field of the database that collects a variable of categorical type is symbolized (for example, the type of road -AP2, AP7, etc-) the number of symbols used to display the layer coincides with the number of symbols in the legend (unless the user wants to hide some entries of the legend for some reason, such as little presence on the map, etc, option that can be done by manually indicating the desired values in the Visualization of the LAYER in the legend). In contrast, when a database field that collects a variable of a continuous quantitative type (such as the elevation values of a Digital Elevation Model) is symbolized, could be wanted to use a color symbolization table of 20 levels of gradation and show in the legend these 20 subentries, but is also possible, without renouncing the graduate aspect of the 20 levels, that could be wanted to show only 6 subentries in the legend. In the case of ordinal type variables, the legend usually collects as many subentries as levels are displayed, although it may be essential to make reductions in the legend in the case of layers with many objects.

Below is a DEM in which the display level is 256 and, instead, the levels or subentries of the legend are 16 (multiples of 200 m).

For more information regarding the display of the layer in the legend, see Modify layer order and properties, from the View menu.

Multifield symbolization for the same layer

Multifield symbolization can be used when it is interesting to indicate different symbols depending on different fields of the same database. For example, it can be indicated that the filling color of the polygons depending on a field of the database (in a layer of extractive activities it could be the "Current situation" -in active with integrated restoration, active and restoration not started, etc-) and, simultaneously, the user can indicate a different hatch type to each polygon depending on another field of the database (in the extractive activities it could be the "Exploited resource type" -clay, limestone, grave, etc-).

In polygon layers, multifield symbolization can be applied to the fill color, outline color, outline width, hatch types, hatch color and patterns, even a map that uses all the possibilities simultaneously will be difficult to understand. In arcs and lines layers multifield symbolization can be applied to the color of the line and its width, while in points layers, it can be applied to the type and size of the symbols.

Each new concept that is symbolized "by field of the database" implies a new appearance of the layer in the legend. On the other hand, the concepts symbolized as "constant" appear in the legend with the symbolized ones. In the example of extractive activities, the fields "Current situation" and "Type of resource exploited" are concepts symbolized depending on two different database fields, and therefore, appear separated in the legend. In contrast, the quarry boundary is a symbolized concept with constant color (black) and constant width (width 2) and is therefore shown together with the field of "Current situation" and "Type of exploited resource". On the other hand, to symbolize the outline of the quarries depending on a field of the database, for example the field "Type of permission", this new concept would appear in the legend, as the following figure shows.

Multisymbolization for the same field

Multisymbolization for the same field can be used when it is interesting to indicate different symbols for the same field of the database. For example, it can be indicated to fill color of the polygons depending on a field of the database and that, at the same time, the applied hatch type is also indicated according to the same field of the database. In these cases, in the legend there will be as many entries as different attributes the field contains, and each entry will have the double symbolization (color and hatch), since both symbols are indicated by the same field of the database. This is what is called "collapse." The collapse, however, will only occur if the symbolization criteria are identical and, therefore, it is not enough that the field of the database is the same, but also the treatment must be equal (categorical or quantitative), they must have the same symbolization table and the same number of symbols, etc.

4. Combined symbolization lines

Combined symbolization lines allow to represent correctly complex linear elements such as roads, highways, etc. The combined symbolization line is generated through the superposition of several elementary lines, which are being "overloaded" to achieve the desired effect. For example, it is possible to draw a continuous line of 11 meters width and blue color and, on this, a line of points and dashes of 7.5 meters width and white color. By default, the lines are painted on a transparent background, that is, if the line has points and dashes between them, no color will be drawn. If desired, for example, a white background, just indicate the presence of a background line of this color.

A combined symbolization line specifies through a text string that it can be in a REL or MMM file (the LinCombin= key) if it applies to the entire layer, or in a field (named LIN_COMBIN) of a symbolization table of combined symbolization lines. Note that the model allows, although it is not usually necessary, to define in a single layer lines with independent properties with respect to the common properties of the combined symbolization lines: for example having lines with width in map units and connection style between segments in bevel style mixed with lines with width in pixels and round connections between segments. The use of combined symbolization lines excludes the use of conventional simple lines. Thus, the presence of the key LinCombin= indicates that it will ignore the possible presence of the key ColorConstant_L= or other derived keys, such as ColorLinia= or GruixConstant_L= in the REL and MMM files, since these details are in the string itself referred by LinCombin= or in the corresponding symbolization table. The LinCombin= key may contain:

  • The string that specifies the combined symbolization line (with the format described below). In this case MiraMon considers that the combined symbolization is constant for all the entities of the layer.
  • The literal string "PerObjecte" (without the quotes). In this case MiraMon considers that the combined symbolization is indicated for a field of the database, which points to a symbolization table of combined symbolization lines, which will have the usual CLAUSIMBOL field and the new LIN_COMBIN field (which will contain the chain of the combined symbolization line format).

The format of the chain that specifies the combined symbolization is constituted by a series of labels that refer to the different properties of the whole combined symbolization line and others that refer to the properties of each elementary line. Each property is specified with a split bar (/) followed by a characteristic letter (sensitive to the case: do not use equally capital and lower case letters) and then, where appropriate, the value that the property takes. General properties are indicated at the beginning of the string, followed by a semicolon that indicates that the general properties have been finished and that the properties of the first elementary line begin. Important: if there is no general property, the string will start directly with a semicolon. The properties of each elementary line are also separated with a semicolon. The first line that is defined is the first one that is drawn and, therefore, it will be the "deepest" in the stack of drawn elementary lines. Do not write semicolons at the end of the string, unless it is wanted to apply a back black line of width 1 (default parameters of a line).

The properties supported by the combined symbolization line are the following:

For the combined symbolization line:

  • Number of elementary lines that form the combined symbolization: It is not specified since it is deductible from the number of semicolons in the string that describes all the combined symbolization. The maximum number of elementary lines that form a combined symbolization line has been set at 5, but if any user needs more, an email to suport@miramon.uab.cat can be sent and with a simple recompilation of the program it can be expanded as much as this limit suits.
  • Width units (WidthUnits): /M. It indicates that the units in which the width of each elementary line is expressed are map units. If not indicated, it is assumed that the width is in pixels units for the width of the line on-screen, and in mm for the width of the line on-printer. It is a common property of the combined symbolization line because it makes no sense to indicate, for example, that of two elementary lines that form a combined symbolization, one is in meters and the other one in pixels.
  • Connection between segments (Join): /K. The type of connection of the different line segments, which can be in bevel -X-, round point -R- or in miter -A-, is specified below. Examples /KX, /KR and /KA. If not indicated, R (connection between segments in round point) is applied. The following figure illustrates each type of connection.

For each elementary line:

  • Pen style (PenStyle): /N. The style indicates what type of line is desired: 0 (solid), 1 (dashes), 2 (points), 3 (points and dashes), 4 (double points and dashes). Example: /N3. If not indicated, type 0 (solid) is applied. If a transparent line is desired, leave empty the whole encoding of the combined symbolization, if an elementary line is not wanted to be painted (useful in the progressive drawing of roads) it must be indicated through the color parameter, choosing a transparent color.
  • Width of the line on-screen (Width): /H. It is understood that it is in pixel units except that it is indicated that the width is in map units through /M. Examples: /H3 (width 3 pixels); / H200.5 (width 200.5 map units, usually meters, if /M was indicated at the beginning of the definition of the combined symbolization). If not indicated, apply a width of 1 (width will be 1 pixel if it has not been indicated /M or 1 map unit otherwise).
  • Width of the line on-printer (PrinterWidth): /h. It indicates the width of the line on-printer in millimeters (mm). It only applies if the units on-screen are pixels and not map units (that is, it applies if NO /M has been indicated). Examples: /h.3 (width 0.3 mm); /h1.5 (width 1.5 mm). If not indicated, a width proportional to the width in pixels on-screen is applied, following the agreement that one screen pixel is printed with a 0.15 mm line (remember that if /M it has been indicated the width is common for on-screen and on-print visualization).
  • Line color (Color): /C. The R, G, B intensities are specified, separated by commas. Example /C255,0,0 (red color). If an elementary line that is not painted is desired, it must be indicated coding with "1" each color component: /C1,1,1 (although to avoid the combined symbolization line be painted, it is easier to leave empty the whole coding of the combined symbolization line). If no color is indicated, BLACK is applied.
  • End of line (EndCap): /E. The type of end of the line is specified below, which can be Round -R-, Square -Q- or Flat -P-. Examples /ER, /EQ and /EP. If not indicated, R (round end) is applied. Notice that since it is a property of the elemental line, combination of line end styles if desired is possible. The following figure illustrates each type of end, as well as the fact that only the flat type avoids extending beyond the end of the line when it has a certain width.

Flat and square end of line modes are shown equal in the legend because if they were combined in the same layer and painted a few longer than the others the effect would be unexpected; however, their behavior is respected if they are combined with each other or with the round mode so that the desired effect can be appreciated at the end of the line.

Some examples of combined symbolization lines:

An empty string implies, by agreement, a transparent line (that is, the line is not painted).

A string with a single semicolon indicates a combined symbolization line formed by a single elementary line with the default parameters: solid, black, 1 pixel width on-screen and 0.15 mm width on-printer, connection between segments in round point and round ends:


Simultaneous use of combined symbolization lines and partial multiseries:

Partial multiseries allow objects of different cartographic series belonging to the same multiseries to be drawn in the same "level" of drawing. This interesting property makes possible, for example, to draw a stretch of highway above or below a county road, as appropriate. The combined symbolization lines are fully compatible with the use of partial multiseries, with which it is possible to obtain effects such as those highlighted in red in the following figure.

Notes for the creation of partial multiseries (MSP):

Create, inside the table of the multiseries, for example, bt25mv10mm0IdTemaData_01ca.dbf, a field named MS_PARCIAL (suggested description: "Partial multiseries to which it belongs"), Character type and width 29. This field will contain, in the series that it is required, the name of the partial multiseries to which it belongs. This name is free but obviously it must be different for each partial multiseries defined within a multiseries. Additionally, the key OrdreDintreMultiSerieParcial1 within the REL file (in the section [METADADES]) of the specific layer-sheet will indicate the entities that constitute ech "iteration of redrawing". Because, at the moment, each MSP does not have other characteristics but only the name of the MSP (which is deduced from the reading of the multiseries table) and the number of levels of the MSP (which can be deduced from the number of separators that are found in the key of the layer-sheet MSP), a table or a REL file containing attributes of the MSP has not been established. However, and due to fact that the number of levels of the MSP is a characteristic that must remain common in all the layer-sheet that belong to the same MSP, it must be consistent in all the series that are part of the MSP; that is why the field named NIV_MS_PAR (described as "Number of levels of the partial multiserie") in the MSP table indicates this value; when reading the table MiraMon controls that all the values of the MSP of the same name are equal and greater than zero and will warn if inconsistencies are detected. The maximum number of levels that constitute an MSP has been set at 12, but if any user needs more, an email to suport@miramon.uab.cat must be sent and with a simple recompilation of the program this limit can be expanded as much as it is suits.

Partial multiseries can only be applied to modern series, since the old series do not have a multiseries specification file to which each series belongs.

User interface

Besides to the indication that can be made from the REL/MMM files (constant lines for the whole layer) and from the symbolization table of combined symbolization lines (lines with symbolization indicated by a field of the database), the dialog box of Combined lines composition allows the user to interactively define all the properties of the combined symbolization lines, as can be seen in the following image:

The dialog box appears both when double-clicking from an item in the legend, and from the symbolization box of lines and arcs.

Progressively drawn

Given that combined lines are used in many cases to code roads, a progressive drawing of the different elementary lines has been established so that road links are correctly established from a visual point of view. In this sense it is useful to define for all the combined lines of a road layer a base elemental line, with rounded line ends, combined with the other elemental lines bearing in mind that they will be drawn "by iterations of elemental lines" throughout the layer. This progressive drawing mode (first the first elementary line of all entities on the layer, then the second if any, etc.) provides satisfactory visual results in most situations, although it is slightly slower than the non-progressive drawn. It is in this context that it can be useful to define one of the "floors" of elementary lines as "transparent" (through the color coded as such) so that a road can link more correctly with others according to combinations of elemental lines that are being designing. The idea is to always bear in mind that in progressive drawing, the components will be drawn in iterations from the "deepest" elementary line to the most "external".

The feature of progressive drawing or "by elemental lines" of the combined lines is indicated in the symbolization section of the map or REL through the key DibuixatProgressiuLinCombinades=. The default value is 1, while if a value of 0 is specified the combined lines will be drawn individually, following the order in which they appear in the linear entity file and drawing all their elemental lines before moving on to draw the next combined line.

In the following figure there are three linear entities, one rising from the lower left, one transverse and one rising from the lower right. The upper figure shows the effect of NOT using progressive drawing.

Top image: no progressives drawn. Bottom image: with progressive drawing.

Disappearance of too thin lines due to confusion with the background color

When, due to scaling, a combined line is painted with the same thickness for all its elemental lines (typically this happens when they all become 1 pixel thick) and the top elemental line is also solid and practically equal to the color of the background on-screen (or on-paper in print), this combined line is not displayed. The reason for this artifact is that the color of the last elemental line "covers" the other elemental lines and gets confused with the background color. In order to avoid this undesirable effect, MiraMon adopts for the upper elemental line the color of the previous elemental line in drawn order that is not transparent.

Automatic mode

As usual, if the first time that a field is symbolized the corresponding symbolization table is not available, it is usually more practical that MiraMon makes a first table through the activation of the "Automatic" mode. In this case the program works as usual, but with the following characteristics:

  • If the field that indicates the combined symbolization line has a categorical treatment. In this case MiraMon starts from a small internal collection of combined symbolization lines. If the number of necessary symbols exceeds the number of elements of this small collection, it is repeated, but changing the color of the outline of the elementary lines following the traditional categorical type automatic palette. Thus, the program will generate a table with as many records as are derived from the projection of the field, plus the record destined for NoData, which will be symbolized with a simple line of black color and width 1.
  • If the field that indicates the combined symbolization line has a continuous quantitative treatment. In this case it seems that from all the available properties, the color is probably the one that is desired to be changed by MiraMon. Thus, the program will generate a table in which a combined symbolization line formed by a white halo plus a second black halo and an interior color that will be assigned to the classic colors of MiraMon continuous quantitative palette will be taken as a pattern; the record destined to NoData, will be symbolized with a simple line of black color and width 1. If previously a different number of symbols has been assigned (for example because a categorical symbolization has been rehearsed or because the number through the advanced button has been changed, this will be the number of records that the continuous quantitative automatic mode will assume.

If it is necessary to make adjustments in the generated automatic symbolization table, it can be saved from "File | Save palette or symbolization table" and make them with MiraDades or, as usual, the user can then double click on the entries in the legend and changing the choice that MiraMon has made automatically, having the freedom to change any property of the combined symbolization line (colors, width, etc) of the category that has been selected.

5. Symbolization in databases from ArcSDE

MiraMon allows to pass on the symbolization from REL layer files with connection via SDS. In addition, several concepts of the reading of ArcSDE have been accelerated, and among them the possibility of interrupting the loading of elements by pressing "Shift" button, as it is done to indicate other interruptions drawn in MiraMon. An object counter has also been included in the status bar to appreciate the data recovery process. In order to accelerate the process and interrupt eventually by making a new zoom or scroll while recovering the data, a simple symbolization is made (black lines, unpainted polygons, etc) that is finally repainted with the final symbolization once the program has recovered all the required elements.

If the symbolization of a layer is saved in ArcSDE, it is saved in the REL from which the layer was opened, or in the temporal if it has not been opened from a REL.

6. Modification of a symbolization table

If a symbolization table (color palette, hatches, etc) has been modified from the legend or from the "Advanced" box, the word [Modified] appears in the symbolization box before the name. In this way, by pressing "OK" the program understands that keeping the palette with the modified colors is desired (instead of doing as before, when it showed a message saying that the changes would be lost and suggested clicking "Close"). However, as it is also necessary to have a way to reload the colors of the original palette; for that, press the scan button and select again (the [Modified] mark will disappear) and the previous palette (modified) will be replaced by the new one (reread).

MiraMon symbolization tables depend on the type of element to symbolize:

1. Color symbolization tables

A color symbolization table is a table in which, for a certain number of entries (records), the color associated with each of them is defined. The color tables can represent a maximum number of 65536 colors, given that internally and following the characteristics of Windows, MiraMon works with this limit. Even so, many graphic cards and printers do not support more than 256 colors, so it is advisable not to exceed this value. The maximum number of levels for each RGB component is 256.

Since the version 4.0 of MiraMon, the color symbolization tables have the format explained in the general concepts section of the symbolization tables. However, MiraMon still support the different formats for the symbolization tables of the previous versions of MiraMon depending on the maximum levels for each RGB component: P25 (0,255), PAL (0,63) and P65 (0,655535). For more information, consult at the end of this section Color symbolization tables prior to version 4.0 of MiraMon.

The color symbolization tables are applicable for any case of color indication: raster color, line color (arcs, polygon outlines and unstructured vector lines), polygon filling color, hatch color, etc.

1.1 Color symbolization tables in raster files

When a raster file is opened, MiraMon asks for the color symbolization table to be used. Every time a session is started, MiraMon offers symbolization tables (see Reading files directory), which includes gray level (Cgris16, Cgris256, etc) of digital elevation models and other continuous variables (CMDE16, CMDE256, CNDVI256, Combr256, etc), of categorical maps (Ctematic, Cdigi256, etc). Then, one of these color symbolization tables, or others that have been created previously can be chosen.

Raster files (not the RGB compositions, which symbolization has a different nature) have a symbolization dialog box, so that a constant color can be indicated (which will fill the entire raster except the possible areas where there is NoData, which will be treated in a transparent way) or through a color palette. In the latter case the advanced options box can be accessed, which in the case of quantitative treatment of pixel data allows to indicate the number of colors in the palette, the desired minimum and maximum or the type of assignation (direct, linear, logarithmic, etc). As always, MiraMon continues choosing the most suitable parameters with an internal heuristic depending on the type of raster, metadata, etc, unless the file already indicates, through its REL or through the map that opens it, which are the desired options; although the MiraMon heuristic has been proven successful for many years, it is also true that in some circumstances it may be necessary to apply different symbolization strategies.

In the case of RGB compositions, the symbolization dialog box allows to indicate which pixels should be transparent (none, NoData, blank, etc). From the respective raster symbolization boxes (including JPEG2000, BMP, etc) and RGB compositions it is possible to:

  • Indicate the transparency percentage of the layer. This percentage is compatible with the use of totally transparent colors in the palette.
  • Call on the image improvement box, also for the two types of raster files.
  • Indicate the range of scales between which the layer will be visible.
  • Access to the advanced edition of the symbolization in categorical rasters with more than 256 categories, and no longer only punctual edition of specific colors through double click in the corresponding category in the legend.

The transparent color has been implemented in the raster symbolization tables in a symmetrical way to the vectors, both for RGB combinations and for raster with palette (case also supported by raters of more than 256 categories). The interactive indication of a transparent color can be done through the legend, by double clicking on the corresponding symbol or, also, from the symbolization box for 24-bit files (in both RGB and JPEG, JPEG2000, etc, combinations). Its use in a layer makes its drawing a bit slower (MiraMon must analyze the presence of transparent pixels in that view and, if so, ask Windows to make the type of display, slower, allowing total transparency in some points).

The properties of the total transparency are also completely symmetrical to those of the vectors: it is indicated for the RGB intensities (-1, -1, -1) in the symbolization table, it can be applied to any symbol, including NoData, and the printed legend is symbolized transparent, while on-screen legend it is symbolized with the background color that the user has chosen for MiraMon ("Visualization" menu); the interactive indication of a transparent color can be done from the legend by double clicking on the symbol corresponding to the legend, case also supported by the integer or long type raster associated with a legend (raster with more than 256 categories). It also allows the indication of transparency in the RGB combinations, in which case it is indicated with the Color_Transparent= key of the section [RASTER_RGB_ #] of the MMM files; at the moment the key can take the values "3xNoData", "NoData", "White" and "Black", which indicate, respectively, that the transparent pixels will be those with the 3 RGB NoData values, with some of the RGB NoData values, totally white or totally black; in addition to indicating it via this key of the MMM files, the transparency in 24-bit files (in both RGB and JPEG, JPEG2000, etc, 24-bit combinations) it can also be indicated through the dialog box that appears when pressing "Visualization" from the layer manager or from the legend. It is recommended not activating colors or transparent RGB combinations unnecessarily since, as it have been said, its use in a layer makes its drawing slower in Windows; if necessary, of the 4 modes, the fast one is the NoData; on the other hand, the 3xNoData mode is purely experimental because it can create strange visual effects since the pixel with NoData value on one side is prepared with a special value (typically 255) to prepare the transparency effect but if other RGB components of the pixel is different from NoData it will have lost its original value.

This property of JPG files to present transparent zones in pixels containing some NoData (or forcing to do so only when the 3 RGB components are NoData) is allowed to be written and read also in MMM. With this improvement, also the transparency specifications in case of white, black, etc, are written/read in MMM. It must be considered, however, that due to the special features of the loss compression, a NoData zone in an RGB composed of 3 IMG files can present, when converted to JPEG, a small chromatic transition strip that makes some NoData pixels to present "similar" but not identical values (for example if they were 255 now they are 253) and, therefore, the transparency is not applied perfectly in the area that was NoData in the uncompressed file with original loss.

The color of the urban uses has been defined as transparent and, therefore, the raster of land use reveals, in these areas, the underlying orthophoto.

It is supported, in multiband rasters, the simultaneous use of sections [COLOR_TEXT] (as a generic indication of the symbolization to be used for bands that do not have a specific symbolization section) and sections [COLOR_TEXT:NOM_BANDA] (as an indication of the specific symbolization of the band) in the same REL. Likewise, it is supported for the case of the [VISU_LLEGENDA] section. In this way, a multiband raster can now have a general symbolization for all the bands, but also a specific one for the bands that suits.

1.2 Color symbolization tables in vector files

In the case of vectorial files, color symbolization is applicable to lines, polygons filling, hatches, etc. Every time a color is defined, MiraMon allows to choose a constant color for all objects or indicated by a field of any table in the database.

  • Constant color: by default a color is assigned which can be modified by pressing the button. If it is decided to change the color by default, the Colors dialog box will appear where the color can be selected. This will be maintained regardless of the color symbolization tables loaded at any time and the type of attribute of the file (text string or numeric). The color editing window allows the user to choose any color from among 16 million possible colors. Even so, there are 48 basic colors predefined by the system (Windows) and also up to 16 personalized colors that will be preserved until the end of the session. The definition of the colors can be done using RGB, HSL or graphically.
  • Color indicated by a database field: if it is decided to visualize the colors of the objects in an indicated way, the field of any table in the database that indicates the color must be defined (if it is an unstructured vector file, the field indicating the color will be the "Attribute") and the desired symbolization table. If no symbolization table is chosen, MiraMon will color the objects automatically. The selection of the field of the table that is wanted to be used as a color index can be done on a list of fields that will appear in a dialog box. In this list only the fields that in the Metadata Manager have been marked as symbolizable are shown (if a list of all the fields is desired, the option "Show all fields" must be activated).

1.3 Color symbolization tables prior to version 4.0 of MiraMon

For versions prior to 4.0, MiraMon allowed different formats for the symbolization tables depending on the maximum levels for each RGB component (P25, PAL, P65). Important: it is necessary not to confuse these values with the number of colors that the palette can contain. Despite since version 4.0 of MiraMon, a new format for color tables (DBF) that allows overcoming certain limitations of the old formats is created, these are still supported.

The old MiraMon color symbolization table is defined in a 4-column text file with as many lines as colors the table defines:

counter Rvalue Gvalue Bvalue
0 0 0 0
1 0 97 0
2 0 162 0
3 0 255 0
4 255 255 0
5 255 210 0
6 255 182 0
7 255 138 0
8 255 113 0
9 186 85 0
10 182 125 0
11 186 162 0
12 121 101 0
13 121 65 0
14 243 243 0
15 255 178 0

The value of the counter is ignored and can be used by the user, since the first column works as a simple numerator of lines of the file (from zero), of auxiliary value when editing files with editors of text without line numbering (such as the Windows notepad) but without any value for MiraMon, because the program uses the color line (from zero) in which the color is defined as the color index.

Depending on the format of the old color symbolization table, the RGB components may have a different range of values. In MiraMon, there are three old formats of color symbolization tables based on this range. That is, even though the color symbolization table can have a maximum of 256 display colors, the range of the RGB components that define each of the display colors can have 65535 levels. In particular, the three old formats of color tables, and the range of values of each RGB component are shown below:

- PAL: 64 levels per RGB component [0,63]

- P25: 256 levels per RGB component [0,255]

- P65: 65536 levels per RGB component [0,65535]

The old symbolization tables show certain limitations that make them less operative than the actual symbolization tables. Among these limitations, the lack of registration for NoData stands out. In these cases, there is no special treatment for NoData (unlike what happens in the symbolization tables).

Another limitation, also very important, is that in old color symbolization tables, the field that indicates the color can only be numeric. This implies the need to define a thesaurus that links the categorical fields (which the user really wants to indicate) with numerical values that can be interpreted by the symbolization table.

Therefore, it is advisable not to use the old formats and aim for the tabular format.

2. Hatching symbolization tables

Hatching symbolization table is a table in which, for a certain number of entries (records), the hatching associated with each of them is defined. Hatching tables can represent a maximum number of 46 different symbols (includes the "no hatching" symbol).

Hatching symbolization tables are applicable to structured vectors and unstructured vectors of polygon type. MiraMon activates by default the symbolization without a hatch, so that the polygon is filled as it was chosen in the color option to fill it (do not fill, constant color or by object).

If it is desired to activate the hatching option, the "Hatching ..." button must be pressed in the Visualization of polygon vector dialog box and the access to the Hatching dialog box will be done. Every time a hatching is defined, MiraMon allows choosing a constant hatch for all the objects or one indicated by a field of any table in the database.

  • Constant hatching: Hatches are lines of constant or indicated color (as explained in Color symbolization tables) on a transparent background, which allows the hatch to be superimposed on the background color of the polygon (if it exists). By default, the constant hatch style assigned by MiraMon is the horizontal line. If a modification of the pattern is desired, the button must be pressed and a dialog box will appear with the different styles of hatches that can be used.

  • Indicated hatching (by object): If the style of the hatches by object is decided, the field of the table in the database that indicates it must be defined (if it is an unstructured vector file, the "Attribute" will be the field that indicates the hatch) and the symbolization table that is desired. Remember that the list of fields that appear to indicate the hatch only shows those that in the Metadata Manager have been marked as symbolizable. To see all the fields, click on "Show all fields". If no symbolization table is chosen, MiraMon will assign the hatches automatically. To create a new hatch symbolization table, the different hatch styles are defined in the TIPUSTRAMA field with the characters "I", "-", "+", "\", etc. The symbols used for each frame can be selected in "choose a symbol (Hatching)", when the "Constant hatching" option in the Hatching dialog box is chosen.

3. Font symbolization tables

Traditionally a font symbolization table defines the type of font associated with structured files of POINT type. However, since version 6 the possibility of making texts appear in entities of line type (following their direction) and polygon (placing them in their interior) is available, being possible fore the user to choose the majority of the previous properties, except those referred to the rotation of the text and the rotation of the characters, which are calculated by the program in the first case for each entity, and which are not usually necessary in the second case. As is proper in a Geographic Information System, the texts that appear correspond to properties of the entity, that is, the user chooses a field from the database (of any of the tables that belong to it) and the contents of this field are shown in the form of texts along the line or within the polygon. In addition, different objects of the same point layer symbolized differently are allowed. However, given the special complexity of the fonts (defined, as it has been explained, by an extensive set of properties), it seemed appropriate to go a little beyond the classical scheme applied to colors, hatches, etc, and as is known it is based on the possibilities of "without", "constant" and "indicated by a field of the database" (with the sophistications of categorical or quantitative treatment and, in the latter case, with linear, logarithmic stretch, etc).

These extensions do not break the tended unified scheme in MiraMon symbolization, but expand the possibilities in a case, the one of the fonts, which needs extra resources in the representation on the map and in the legend.

MiraMon fonts symbolization allows some properties that depend on a database field and a symbolization table (for example, the font type) while other properties can be treated individually in each entity (for example: height of the font, the inclination and rotation of the characters, etc). With these parameters it is possible to represent the texts with a very satisfactory quality, as can be seen in the three figures that come after, extracted from the BT-5M of the Institut Cartogrāfic de Catalunya in MiraMon vector format.

Thus, the symbolization of texts is consolidated, allowing colors, sizes in map or typographic units, characteristics at the object level, family of objects and layer, etc. Many of these sophistications have been applied with success and stability to the thousands of topographic sheets of the Institut Cartogrāfic de Catalunya distributed in MiraMon format at scales 1:5000, 1:25000 and 1:50000.

3.1 Fonts simbolization levels

The definition of texts symbolization can be done at 4 levels:

  • 1. Windows standard font: By default, MiraMon activates the "Show texts" box in the Visualization of POINT vectors dialog box, which allows the visualization of the chosen text of the database field (attribute, internal graphic identifier, etc). This text is shown in the upper right corner of the point, with the Windows standard font, which corresponds to a font without formatting options, which implies a maximum speed in the visualization.
  • 2. Constant font for all the texts in the layer: Corresponds, by default, to type "Arial" size "10". However, if the "Change font..." button is pressed, the "Define font" dialog box will be accessed from which several concepts of the font can be modified:
    • Font type: If the "Font..." button is pressed, the Font type dialog box will be opened, from here the font type (Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, etc), the style of the font (Normal, Italic, etc), the size of the font (size 10, 20, etc), the color of the font and the effects (strikeout, underline, etc) can be modified.
    • Background color: The Define font dialog box allows to choose several background color options from the font. By default MiraMon activates the option "None", although the user can also choose an "Opaque" color or the background with a "Halo (slower)" around it. For these last two options, the color among the 48 basic colors predefined by the system (Windows) or other user colors (up to 16 user colors will be preserved until the end of the session) from among the 16 million of possible colors can be chosen. The definition of the colors can be done using RGB, HLS or graphically.
    • Font size: allows the definition of the font size.
    • Size units: The font size can be expressed in map units (m or the unit that corresponds) or in conventional typographic points. If map units are chosen, the font size will change according to the scale change. On the other hand, if the size is chosen in typographic points, the font will remain constant, regardless of the display scale.
    • Escapement: allows tilting a text on the horizontal. The permitted tilt range is between 0 and 360š.
    • Orientation of each character: allows the characters that form a text to be tilted on the horizontal, regardless of the inclination of the entire text.
    • Extra inter characters spacing: allows defining a separation between the characters that make up the text.
    • Font special width: allows to increase the width of each font, without modifying the height.
    • X Y shift: allows modifying the insertion point of the text (by default it is shown in the upper right corner of the point) and determine the units of displacement, either in typographic points or in map units.
    • Avoid overlapping: allows to avoid text overlaps. Naturally, this is a request, but in case of, for example, a big text density, it may not be physically possible.
    • In the following example, a text with a background halo is shown first. In the second figure (from left to right) an escapement of 15š has been applied. In the third figure, an orientation of 15š on each character has been applied, without any escapement of the font. In the figure below left, an extra inter characters spacing of 10 typographic points has been applied and in the lower right figure a font special width of 8 has been applied.

  • 3. Font by object, indicated by a database field: Corresponds to the symmetric case to "by object" known from other types of symbolization (colors, hatches, etc). The fonts of the texts are not provided with particularized symbolization for each of the properties that control them since in the case of the fonts it is not usual, for the same layer, to change the color depending on a field of the database and, at the same time, also change the size according to another field of the database, etc. The type of treatment given to the fonts in cartography works "in block", so that a certain type of entity (for example a municipality name of more than one million inhabitants) is wanted with a font that, "jointly", is characterized by a certain type of letter, size, color, etc. On the other hand, fonts with very different styles (for example blue) present in the same map will typically be in another layer (of rivers). That is why the field of the symbolization table that determines how a font will look (called FONT and type 'C' in this type of symbolization) includes all the concepts of visualization (in the section of Specification of the properties of a font in the MiraMon symbolization tables the properties of symbolization that can be defined are described). However, and as these concepts are perfectly documented in the previous section, a user that requires a special treatment of the fonts as a result of the interaction of more than one field of the database can always write an SQL statement that adequately and can fill the field depending on the contents of the fields involved.

    Additionally, the symbolization table will contain a field called TEXT_FONT, of 'C' type, for the text to be used to exemplify the type of font in the legend. For example, a "TEXT_FONT" such as "Rome" would be written with the corresponding font of the FONT field of the same record and the description "City of more than one million inhabitants" located in the DESCRIPCIO field would be read with the normal font of the legend.

  • 4. Font by entity, typified in a symbolization table: In some cases it may be necessary to indicate specific properties for a certain entity (for a certain point), such as inclination. These properties are not shown in the legend because they do not constitute a typified property, but rather a particular property of each entity.

    These properties are not stored in the FONT field but in a FONT_ENTIT field, of 'C' type, that will contain, in the same format as the string described in the specifications section, the font properties of the entity. Nowadays, this field is located in the main table, but in the future it could be established in any other table of the database or even in an external table, linkable through the field that contains the entity identifier (or the graphic identifier). When MiraMon creates the field, it does so with a width of 150 characters to ensure that any expression of font specifications for the entity, no matter how complex, has a place; however, the width of the field can be conveniently trimmed if only some properties are used (for example, if only bold is indicated (/B) with a width of 2 characters would be enought).

    The individualization of the properties of the font for each entity can only be done on files in REL4 format. The layer must be converted to REL4 using ConvREL if this property is needed.

    Aspect of the main table (T.dbf) with the fields involved in the symbolization of the points.

    Through the group "Properties by entity" it is possible to indicate which properties the user wants to individualize at the level of each entity:

    • None: It will apply the font (constant or by object) that corresponds. All buttons in the group will be gray. In the REL/MMM file FontPerEntitat=0 (FONT_PER_GRUP in the internal code) is indicated.
    • All: The "Fonts to be used" group will be gray and each point will have its own font (internally the program will label it as constant). In this case the legend will use a text chosen by the program itself from among those represented in the layer. In the REL/MMM file FontPerEntitat=1 will be indicated (FONT_PER_ENTITAT in the internal code).

    • Some: It allows to save some properties in the FONT_ENTIT field. The legend will have the corresponding concept depending on the choice in the group "Font to be used" (in case any very basic property is identified as the name of the font, MiraMon will also make a decision among the layer texts). In the REL/MMM file FontPerEntitat=2 is indicated (FONT_MIXTA in the internal code) followed by two points (':') and the letters indicating property to be treated individually for each entity, and which may be the following, corresponding to the activation buttons of the lower group of the box shown before:
      • /N: Name: "Arial", etc.
        /H: Height and units: Also incorporates unitats_mapa and alcada_font
        /C: Color: color_font
        /K: Background color and aspect: opaque, halo. Incorporates ColorFons and RectangleOpac
        /B: Bold
        /I: Italics
        /U: Underlined
        /S: Strikeout
        /E: Inclination and rotation of characters. Incorporates lfEscapement and lfOrientation
        /i: Extra inter characters spacing
        /x: Font special width
        /POS: Position regarding insertion point. Incorporates PosicioText, desp and DespUnitatsMapa

      For example, FontPerEntitat=2:/E/POS indicates that the inclination and rotation of the characters, as well as the position (centered, etc) and the displacement will be read from the FONT_ENTIT field instead of using the indicated in the constant font (when the entire layer is equally symbolized) or in the symbolization table (when the font is indicated by a field of the database).

Specification of the properties of a font in the MiraMon symbolization tables within the FONT / FONT_ENTIT field (for example "/NArial/H12/B")

As it was established in version 4, a font is specified through a text string that can be in a REL or MMM file if applies to the entire layer, or in a field of a font symbolization table, etc. The format of this string is constituted by a series of labels that are referred to the different font properties. Each property is specified with a split bar (/) followed by a characteristic letter (sensitive to the case: do not use capital and lower case letters indifferently) and then, if applicable, the value that the property takes. The list of supported properties is the following:

    A. Properties with mandatory value (if indicated, must be followed by a value)

    • Name of the font (FaceName): /N. Example: /NArial. If not indicated, Arial is applied.
    • Height of the font (Height): /H. It is understood that it is in typographical units unless it is expressly indicated that it is in map units through /M. Examples: /H12 (height 12 points); /H200.5/M (height 200.5 map units, typically meters). If not indicated, a 10-point font is applied.
    • Font color (Color): /C. Next, the intensities R, G, B are specified, separated by commas. Example: /C255,0,0 (red color). If not indicated, BLACK is used.
    • Background color of the font (Background): /K. The color is specified as in the /C case. If not indicated, WHITE is applied. If /h is indicated (note the lowercase!) The background color is applied to a halo and not to the entire background rectangle.
    • Inclination of the font (Escapement): /E. This specifies, in decigrades counterclockwise, the inclination. Examples: /E450 (45°), /E225 (22.5°). If not indicated, 0 (horizontal text) is applied. This property does not apply in the case of dynamic labeling of arc files and lines.
    • Rotation of each character (Orientation): /O. This specifies, in decigrades anti-clockwise, the rotation. Examples: /O450 (45°), /O225 (22.5°). If not indicated, 0 (letters without rotation) is applied. Typically the same value as the inclination should be written. It does not work in the 9x versions of Windows. This property does not apply in the case of dynamic labeling of arc files and lines.
    • Extra inter characters spacing (InterCharSpacing): /i. This specifies, in typographic points, the extra spacing between the characters. Example: /i12. If not indicated, 0 is applied (no extra spacing).
    • Extra horizontal stretching of font characters (Width): /x. The horizontal stretch of the written characters is specified. Example: /x9. If not indicated, apply 0, which means standard; as a reference, in Arial font of height 10, a value of 6 gives the standard result and smaller values compress the font while larger values stretch it.
    • Displacement with respect to the insertion point: /X and /Y: This option specifies the distance from the beginning of the text to the insertion point. The distance is expressed, by default, in pixel units; if it is wanted to be expressed in map units, indicate /m; if it is in pixel units, the positive displacement is the classic one in rasters (to the right and to the bottom), while if it is in map units it follows the usual cartesian criterion (to the right and up). Example: /X25.5 /Y33.7 /m. If not indicated, 0 is applied (the text starts at the XY coordinate of the point); it is allowed to indicate only one of the two properties, in which case 0 is applied to the unspecified one. See also the property "/POS", below. Note that the property "/X" does not indicate the same as "/x".

    B. Properties with optional value

    • Font width (Weight): /B. It can be followed by an integer value if a value other than the standard is desired (value 700, equivalent to bold). Examples: /B (standard bold); /B400 (normal font, equivalent to not indicating property /B); /B100 (very thin font); /B900 (very black font). These special values cannot be incorporated from the menus since it is considered that the standard user will not need it, but they can be written manually or with programs in the string to emphasize if it is convenient.

    C. Enable properties

    • Italic font (Italic): /. Exemple: /I
    • Underlined font (Underline): /U. Exemple: /U
    • Strikeout font (StrikeOut): /S. Exemple: /S

    D. Other properties

    Additionally, and although it is not a characteristic of the font itself, the following properties can be added, in this case preceded by a 3-letter label:

    • Alignment: The text aligned up to the right, centered or to the left is obtained with the position indications (see the following point) NW, N and NE. Note that the indications E, C and W actually not only align but also lower the text so that the horizontal line passing through the insertion point roughly crosses the capital letters and numbers.
    • Position regarding insertion point: /POS. The following is specified, based on the 8 cardinal points (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, NW, SW) or in the center (C), the position (it is understood that here the cardinal points are simply used to easily indicate the usual idea that N is at the top, S at the bottom, etc, without having anything to do with the orientation on Earth). The NE, N and NW positions write the text on the horizontal line that passes the insertion point, aligning conveniently to the right, centered or to the left. The positions E, C and W align the text as before but lower it so that the horizontal line passing through the insertion point roughly crosses the capital letters and numbers. The positions SW, S and SE align the text as before but lower it even more so that the horizontal line that passes through the insertion point is at the top of the text box (the color rectangular area that can be seen if it is requested that the background color of the font, background, to be opaque). If the position is not indicated, the text is written in the NE angle of the point. See also the properties "/X" and "/Y", further back. This property does not apply in the case of dynamic texts that label lines or polygons since the dynamic process positions the characters conveniently.

    In addition, when the size is indicated in typographic units, the representation on-screen is exactly the same as is on-paper (as long as the indication of the size of the user monitor has been set). Note: All the notation described in this section can also be used in the description of the texts symbolization in .rel and .mm files.

3.2 Dynamic labeling

Dynamic labeling of arc and line files

Dynamic labeling of arc and line VEC files is allowed. Thus, any field of any table in the database associated with an arc file or attribute of a line VEC file can be shown as a text running next to the arc. This functionality allows to establish the range of scales within which the texts of the lines has to be displayed (regardless of the range of scales of the layer itself and highly recommended to avoid an excess of texts in general views), as well as to censor texts of a excessive length in relation to its corresponding arc/line; this last functionality allows to indicate values such as 0% (texts will always be drawn independently of the length of the arc), 100% (texts will be drawn when the arc is at least as long as the text), 200% (texts are only drawn if the arc is at least twice as long as the text), etc; this behavior allows avoiding the labeling of too short arcs and the overlapping of texts.

It is also possible to establish a distance to the arc, above or below, and even set the text "crossed" by the line, as is traditional in the contour lines; this parameter is also indicated in %: a value of 0 indicates that the text is above the line, 50% indicates that an extra text box is left separating it from the line, 100% indicates that between the text and the line a space corresponding to a text line is left, etc; if a negative displacement is indicated, the text moves down: if the offset is -50% (half text box) the text is "crossed" by the line, if it is -100% it is located entirely below the line, etc.

The text is oriented intuitively according to the orientation of the line itself and, in case of being near to the edge, estimates if it changes the band of the arc to make it visible. The algorithm studies the different segments of the line and chooses the longest as representative to guide the text, but if the segments are very short it gradually generalizes the line to find a satisfactory direction. In each attempt it positively weighs the centrality of the segment in the context of its arc as well as the length of the chosen segment. If an arc enters and leaves the visualization or printing field, it is labeled as many times as it appears (unless it ever occupies too little and is censored by one of the other parameters).

It is possible to indicate "Avoid overlapping" so that the program tries to avoid collisions between the tags. The text can be symbolized using practically all the properties that apply to the points, with the exception of the inclination and orientation and the XY displacement, which have no sense in the lines that are decided according to the arc/line to be labeled; in particular, remember that the text can be set in typographical units or in map units (it will become smaller when it moves away).

Dynamic labeling of polygon files

Dynamic labeling of polygon files (both POL and VEC) is allowed. Thus, any field of any table in the database associated with a POL file or attribute of a polygons VEC file can be displayed as a text within the polygon. This functionality allows to establish the range of scales within which the texts in the polygons must be displayed (independently of the scale range of the layer itself and highly recommended to avoid an excess of texts in general views), as well as to censor the texts of a excessive area in relation to its corresponding polygon; this last functionality allows to indicate values like 0% (the texts will always be drawn independently of the polygon area), 100% (the texts will be drawn when the polygon occupies at least as much surface as the text), 200% (the texts are only drawn if the polygon is at least double the surface area of the text), etc; this behavior avoids labeling too small polygons and obtaining overlapping texts.

The heuristic label placement follows a sophisticated system, the main characteristics are:

  • A large number of candidate positions are analyzed, based on the division of the bounding box in zones of the size of the label that is tried to be located within the polygon and each position is scored favoring its centrality to the polygon and its distance from the inner edges (holes) or outside of the polygon. If the option "Full analysis" is selected this analysis is exhaustive and finally the position of the label that has obtained the best score is chosen, whereas if it is not selected, the program finds a reasonably satisfactory situation for the search of the position of the label, which considerably speeds up the drawing process.
  • An extra analysis is allowed to find alternatives in the horizontal position of the label to avoid unsatisfactory results due to intersections with the boundary in horizontally narrow areas. This extra analysis is achieved by checking the option "Boundaries criteria".
  • Labels are displaced from the display boundaries to try to avoid being cut by the display window.
  • It is possible to indicate "Avoid overlapping" so that the program tries to avoid collisions between the labels.
  • In case of multiple islands (topological groups), the polygon with the largest area is chosen.

The text can be symbolized using almost all properties that apply to points, in particular, remember that the text can be set in typographical units or in map units (it will become smaller when it moves away).

When the content of the field that is being used as an attribute of the object for dynamic labeling in the process of digitizing a layer (of arcs/lines or polygons) symbolized with dynamic labeling is changed, the attribute change is immediately reflected on-screen.

Automatic mode

As usual, if the first symbolization of a field does not have the corresponding symbolization table, it is usually more practical with MiraMon to make a first table through the activation of the "Automatic" mode. In this case the program works as usual, but with the following features:

The field that indicates the font has a categorical treatment:

In this case, from the available properties, the color font is possibly the one the user wants MiraMon to change; on the other hand, with a categorical treatment the program cannot deduce which categories the user wants to assign large or small texts, for example. Thus, the program will generate a table in which the last constant font loaded in the layer will be taken as the pattern (Arial 10 if none has been specified) and generate as many records as are derived from the projection of the field, coloring them with the typical thematic palette used in automatic categorical symbolization, plus the record for NoData, which will be symbolized with the internal variable of the MiraMonFontObjectesSenseAtribut (Arial 10 bold underlined cursive centered).

The field that indicates the font has a continuous quantitative treatment.

In this case, from the available properties, the height of the font is possibly the one the user wants MiraMon to change. Thus, the program will generate a table in which the last constant font loaded in the layer will be taken as a pattern (Arial if none has been specified) and will work with the same heuristic as in the other cases, trying to deduce whether it is appropriate to apply a direct, linear, etc, assignation, starting from 10 records to which will assign progressively higher fonts (6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24), plus the record for NoData, which will be symbolized with the internal variable of the MiraMonFontObjectesSenseAtribut (Arial 10 bold underlined centered italics). If previously a different number of symbols has been assigned (for example because it has been rehearsed a categorical symbolization or because the user has varied the number through the advanced button, this will be the number of records that the continuous quantitative automatic mode will assume.

In both cases, the TEXT_FONT field created has a width of 45 characters, which is considered enought to contain a representative text such as "Barcelona" or "Sant Cugat". The field is filled with the same value as CLAUSIMBOL but as explained before, the user can change this value if it suits him. If modifications are needed in the generated automatic symbolization table, it can be saved from "File | Save palette or symbolization table" and make them with MiraDades.

4. Icons symbolization tables

An icons or symbols symbolization table is a table that defines, for a given number of points, the symbol associated with each of them. The symbol tables can represent an unlimited number of symbols. The symbols of point type entities, in addition to EMF and WMF files, can also be JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF (even mixed in the same symbolization table). However, there are graphic limitations of these formats if they are to be represented at a resolution that evidences their raster nature. They are only applicable to topologically structured files.

By default, the option to use symbols to represent points is disabled, so that points are displayed by white circles with a black outline. The default radius of these points is given by the "RadiPnt" parameter of the MiraMon.par file, although it can be changed through the corresponding box: a value of 0 avoids the visualization of the points, while the value 1 or 2 is adequate in most cases.

In point files it is also possible to choose representing the radius based on a field of the database. This is useful, for example, to represent data such as number of inhabitants of municipalities associated with points, or to represent the coverage obtained in a forest inventory. In this case, the field to be used as well as the minimum and maximum radius to scale the representation must be indicated.

Through the "Symbology" button in the Visualization of POINTS vectors dialog box several options for the symbols can be selected:

  • Constant symbol: all points are represented by the same symbol. MiraMon has a range of symbols, classified into forestry, geometric, fire, numbers, landscape, topographic and other symbols. Every time a session is started, MiraMon offers symbolization tables (see Reading files directory) from where the desired symbol can be chosen.
  • Symbol indicated by field and symbol table: the symbol varies depending on the field of the main table that is decided based on a symbol table which must contain at least 3 fields: NOM_SIMBOL, DESCRIPCIO and FI_SIMBOL. For more information, see Fields of symbolization tables. This symbol table can be created with MiraDades or any of the existing ones in the "Symbols" directory can be used.
  • In the previous figure it is observed, in the upper part, the capitals of the districts with a constant symbol. In the lower part, the symbol is indicated according to the province. If additional symbols are not desired, design new ones from a graphical editing program capable of exporting EMF (or WMF) or make this edition with MiraMon and print the result on an EMF is possible.

  • Units of the symbol size: it allows choosing the size of the symbol in pixels units or in map units. If map units are chosen, the size of the symbol will change according to the scale change. Whereas, if the size is chosen in pixels, the symbol will remain constant regardless of the display scale.
  • Symbol size: it allows to choose the size of the symbol, with a constant value (which can be defined) or with a value indicated by a field of the database (analogously to the case of the radius of the point, it can be useful, for example, to represent data such as number of inhabitants of municipalities associated with a symbol, etc). In this case, the field to be used as well as the minimum and maximum radius to scale the representation must be indicated.
  • Symbol position: it allows to choose the position of the symbol between centered, upper right, upper left, lower right or lower left to the insertion point.

Remember that if the insertion point itself is not wanted to be shown, a radius of size 0 in the Visualization of POINT vectors box can be indicated.

If in the symbology box (icons) it is symbolized using the same field (typically a numerical field of small integers 1,2,3 ...) to indicate both different relative sizes of the symbols and different symbols (indicated in the table of symbolization of the symbols through the corresponding field CLAUSIMBOL (or NOM_SIMBOL)), it will be observed that in the legend the two criteria are collapsed and the different symbols are seen in size gradation.

Several videotutorials have been developed regarding MiraMon symbolization, which can be consulted at MiraMon symbolization.