VECCOR: Transformation of VEC files of points to COR files used by CorrGeom

This program transforms VEC files of point to the working format of CorrGeom program.

VEC input format is a standard ASCII vector file with the particularity that the point attribute is the final map coordinate with the values separated by a comma (without any blank spaces) and the point coordinate is the coordinate in the original reference system (not corrected).

The program also allows, in the mode 2, the existence of a point label, that will be written after the map coordinates x,y separated by a comma (without any blank spaces) in the following way: x,y,label.

Note: The comma ',' is always used as separator while the point '.' is used to indicate the decimal values.

COR format has been specifically designed for the CorrGeom program. At this moment, the conversion generates a simplified version that is described below:

Example of input VEC file of points:
446000,4612000 1
1674.500000 1801.500000
447000,4613000,Tree 1
1677.000000 1378.866666
448000,4614000 1
1679.500000 853.433333
0 0
Example of output COR file:
1674.500000 1801.500000 446000 4612000 428.7
1677.000000 1378.866666 447000 4613000 541.4 Arbre
1679.500000 853.433333 448000 4614000 896.1

In the option 2, where the module generates a COR file with elevations, the user has to set the interpolation method for obtaining elevation from DEM: nearest neighbour, bilinear interpolation or bicubic interpolation.

VECCOR 1 VECFileName CORFileName
VECCOR 2 VECFileName CORFileName DEMFileName InterpolMode /UNITATSXY=