This program allows you to clip IMG, JPG, WMS, and structured and not structured vectors.

In files raster, the program extracts the window nearest to the requested one and that wraps it completely.

In raster files, a clipping alternative way, more visual, is to use MiraMon (File | Save as IMG/JPEG). In vectors, you can digitize a small file that delimits the area and use it as clipping file.

With this application it is possible to save a clipping of a WMS server layer ·· (only the display part, equivalent to the GetMap request) or a ··clipping of a WMTS server layer (the display part ··equivalent to several GetTile requests or to several accesses to resources ··RESTful from the layer display templates).
··The WMS/WMTS layer to be clipped can be from any server that follows the ··OGC WMS/WMTS standards (from the server URL) or it can be ··any local server from the REL5 file (this last possibility is much faster since the original tessellation of the layer can be·taken directly). The result is always a REL5 and a layer prepared at different zoom levels. As in the other options, the clipping can be done by envelope or by mask ··vector. When clipping is done by scope (option 1), and for each level of ··zoom, the prepared pieces of the original layer that fall ··totally or partially within the chosen scope are replicated. In the case of ··irregular mask (option 2) the program replicates the minimum necessary number of ··pieces, in addition, if a mask is provided, the areas external to the mask will be removed ·· (this last option adds a process that slows down ··obtaining the result).



